Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final proposal - Essay Example Manchester offers various properties suited for economic development, relocation assistance, financing and tax credits as economic incentives to assist revenue flow in the local region. Especially in difficult economic times, Manchester’s rather liberal assistance and incentive programs will aid in maintaining short-term profitability by avoiding high relocation costs. The provision of demographic and marketing information – This would include elements of consumer behavior and the ethnic/cultural differences to assist in creating workable marketing strategies to increase profitability. The provision of regulatory assistance – This includes assistance in understanding the practical application of rules and laws which are mandated by Manchester to provide information on how best to structure the business to satisfy legal expectations. This could potentially prevent any future liability on behalf of MMK. The provision of various loans – Manchester wants to draw business to its region, thus offering various loans make the environment more suitable in the event of having to borrow additional capital for improvements to the company. The provision of technical assistance – This will help the company to understand how best to incorporate various technologies to make the company more adaptable and flexible to changing market demands. Quality of life is also evident in Manchester, which will be a positive motivational aspect, from a lifestyle perspective, for any international expatriate employees who will be required to assist in developing the new American facility. As expatriate assignments are generally long-term (Mathis & Jackson, 2005), quality educational facilities are available for school-aged children as well as 900 acres of parks, playgrounds, swimming facilities, beaches, and ski regions ( For managers or

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Inflammation is a protective reaction associated with vascular tissues in response to different stimuli such as irritants and pathogens. In addition, other causes of inflammation may include physical injuries and immune reactions on body cells and tissues. Therefore, inflammatory reactions serve to eliminate the stimuli and start the process of healing on damaged cells, tissues, and organs (Ferrero-Miliani et al., 2007, p. 227). Conversely, these inflammatory reactions can be chronic or acute. This essay presents the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, prognosis, and the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Scenario: 45 years old woman started with severe pain in her hands and feet. She noticed that she could not shake her wrists whilst she was doing PE with her students in the gym. About 2 month later, when she was working in her yard, the pain became even more pronounced. She was digging the yard for make a path way. The garden working was difficult to do because every day her feet hurt and the strength in her hands was so reduced that even lifting a large boiling pot in the staff kitchen was difficult. At night times she put her hands under her pillow to try to reduce the pain so that she could sleep. Chronic immune inflammatory reactions can occur on synovial tissues in response to the synovitis, synovial cells, and the accumulated synovial fluid in the joints. This type of autoimmunity causes Rheumatoid arthritis (Majithia Geraci, 2007). The symptoms of RA are not only limited to the articular regions but they can also spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, RA affects the joints, skin, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, heart, and other systemic tissues. In addition, the disorder leads to destruction of the ankylosis and cartilage lining the joints. It also causes nodular lesions on the skin and diverse inflammatory reactions on different systemic tissues (Majithia Geraci, 2007, p. 937). The clinical diagnosis of RA involves physical examination of symptoms, blood tests, x-ray radiographic imaging, and other differential diagnoses, which are aimed at distinguishing the symptoms of RA from other disorders. Moreover, the pathogenesis of RA entails proliferation and fibrosis of cells; the destruction of cartilage and bones; and pannus formation. These changes are caused by the activities of proteolytic enzymes, cytokines, and prostanoids in the synovial region (Majithia Geraci, 2007, p. 937). Here, inflammation is mediated by Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha and Interleukin-1 (IL-1), which are the most notable pro-inflammatory cytokines in the disease process of RA. The two cytokines enhance the production of other inflammatory elements such as nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). However, IL-1 has shown prominence in the pathogenesis of RA. Initial IL-1 release stimulates osteoblasts, synoviocytes, and chondrocytes. The cells take part in the inflammatory reactions, bone destruction, and pannus formation. Furthermore, the inflammatory reactions elevate the secretion of IL-1 relative to the progress of the disease. In addition, IL-1 stimulates the movement of neutrophils into the synovial region; the production and differentiation of lymphocytes; and finally the activation of macrophages. Additional IL-1 production leads to severe erosion of bone and cartilage, produces pain, and impairs tissue repair (Majithia Geraci, 2007). Lastly, Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated using medications such as analgesics, steroids, and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). In addition, non-pharmacological therapies such as physical therapy and nutritional therapy can halt the development of the disease. Conversely, the prognosis of RA shows varied symptoms in different patients such as disabilities, poor prognostic factors, and sometimes death (Majithia Geraci, 2007, p. 939). Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Scenario: A 33 years old man have a burning, sensitive, irritated sensation under his skin that spread throughout his arms and upper body over few months in the beginning of 2010. He noticed his sense of balance was lost. Then over a several weeks more symptoms presented themselves. His hands began to shake and tremor, his ears began buzzing, tickly in his left foot and the muscle spasms appeared, and muscle strength getting weak and pain grew in his thighs. His speech became jumbled and his left pupil dilated. Acute infections of the peripheral nervous system can cause an autoimmune reaction in response to the pathogens and the host tissues. These immune responses are targeted at pathogens such as bacteria and the influenza virus but instead they attack the gangliosides of the nerve tissues (Hughes et al., 1999). This is the basis of GBS, which leads to inflammatory demyelination of the nerves and multiple neuropathies. Consequently, GBS is characterized by impaired sense of position, paralysis, absence of fever, areflexia, and symmetrical weaknesses that begin with the legs and spread to the upper limbs and finally to the face. Conversely, analyses of the cerebrospinal fluid and electrodiagnostics provide important insights into the diagnosis of GBS. In addition, observable paralysis and areflexia can be used as the immediate indicators of GBS. However, additional differential diagnoses are important to distinguish the symptoms of GBS with other disorders such as the Motor Neuron Disease (Hughes et al., 1999, p. 74). The pathogenesis of GBS is associated with immune responses targeted at an acute infection. However, the pathogens involved in the infection contain epitopes resembling some components of the peripheral nervous system. Therefore, the immune reaction attacks the nerve components causing acute inflammation on the myelin sheath or the axon (Hughes et al., 1999). Furthermore, the inflammatory reactions cause severe demyelination in the nodes of Ranvier and nerve roots. These inflammatory reactions are mediated by both the cellular and humoral immune components such as activated T-lymphocytes, which invade the demyelinated regions and attract macrophages that destroy the nerve membranes. Additional demyelination is thus, mediated by the macrophages and components of the complement system. Lastly, the treatment of GBS entails providing supportive care for patients with paralyzed diaphragms and intravenous injections of immunoglobulin for stable patients. In addition, administration of plasmapheresis is recommended. Conversely, except for isolated cases of persistent areflexia, the prognosis of GBS shows that most patients begin recovering at the forth week after the onset and they can be completely healed after a few months or one year. Conclusion The essay presents a detailed discussion on two inflammatory conditions, which are caused by immune responses that target cells, tissues, and organs in the body. Therefore, the essay examines the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment, and the prognosis of Rheumatoid arthritis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). From the discussions above, it can be deduced that inflammation is a serious complication, which occurs in the whole body or within a specific tissue and causes acute or chronic symptoms. However, most inflammatory conditions are treatable and preventable.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Descriptive Essays - The Good Old Truck :: Descriptive Writing Examples

The Good Old Truck    My dad bought his red Dodge Dakota truck in 1995. When he got the truck it had already hit a deer and two cows. Since he has owned it, its value has gone down considerably, even though he has spent more money fixing it than he paid for it. If it was worth as much money as it has cost to keep it running we could sell it and buy a new car. It is red with a stripe down one side-- yes, only one side, the other side has no stripe, I have no idea why this is. There is also a huge dent above the right hind wheel that occurred when a horse tried to jump in the back of the truck. The new, improved, revamped bumper is bent slightly down from the deer and other things that it has hit.    The back of the truck is mostly full of my dad's horse shoeing stuff. It is in no way neat or in any kind of arrangement. There are always empty horseshoe boxes piled to the brim. Underneath the boxes, balls of twine are entangled in old non-usable horseshoes. If you get inside of the truck, you enter a whole different place than the outside world. Notice that I said if you get in; what I mean by this is you can't get in through the passenger side unless someone opens it from the inside. The driver's side door doesn't open all of the time, and when it does you can't possibly slam it hard enough to get it to shut all of the way. Most of the time the passenger side is overheaped with trash, mostly empty pop bottles and cans. Inside it usually smells like horses. My dad shoes horses for a living, so the smell is on him and then is transferred to the seats and anything else that he touches. Also, he keeps his apron in the cab of the truck and it definitely smells like horses. Once in a while when I get in, I get a sniff of a mixture of vinegar and dust. The smell of vinegar comes from the homemade fly spray that my dad makes, and the smell of dust is from all of the dirt that is that has gathered in the corners on the dash. Once I finally get past the aroma of the truck I proceed to turn the key and hope it will start.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Brain death determination

Brain Death Determination When the brain has a lack of oxygen, even for a few minutes, it could lead to loss of brain functions such as a gradual loss level of consciousness or a complete loss of consciousness causing the person to slip into a coma. In the most profound cases, irreversible brain damage and death occurs. Oxygen deficiency can by caused by many things, such as; a brain injury, fall from height, traffic accidents, heart failure, stroke or some neurological disease. That may cause irreversible loss of the brain cells performance.The medical term for insufficient oxygenation to the brain is referral Anglia. Historically, before recent technology the scientists defined death only when the heartbeat and breathing stopped. Afterward, the idea of brain death was announced in 1959 by French neurologists' Moldable and Gluon. They determined this state as â€Å"beyond coma† (D*mice et al. , 2004). Then after around ten years, within the medical community the development o f many types of equipment became available which aided in increasing the longevity of individuals with serious injuries to the brain.Some examples of these devices are ventilators to maintain respiration and heart monitors. These innovations in medicine made the concept of brain death clearer by closely showing the relationship between the respirations or heartbeat and brain. These innovations in the medical field guided the Harvard Medical School Committee to clarify that idea in 1968 (Sass, 2014). After that, it was medically defined as permanent loss of all brain functions, including cerebrum and brain stem due to total death of brain neurons that is caused by decrease of blood flow and oxygenation into the brain (ibid).This essay will discuss the main brain regions that have immediate cause of brain death and their functions, including the required tests of these regions, both clinical and confirmatory, for instance, the Electroencephalogram. The brain carries two major parts, c erebrum and brain stem. When they have any cause of damaged that might be a final result in brain death. Each one has primary roles in a person's life, because they are responsible for the main operations in human survival, especially the regulation of cardiac and respiratory functions.The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and divided into two hemispheres (Fall & Bergman, 1998). There are main functions for he brain cerebrum without them no human can live. It is important to be concerned with functional specialization of different regions of the cerebrum to guide the treatment of the physician and assists them in making the right diagnosis. The cerebrum has a large primary sensory area, which is responsible for general sensation, for example, smell, vision, and hearing.The motor area is responsible for controlling the skeletal muscles, and the association area of the cortex has operations similar to the sensory areas but more complicated such as behavior, communication and i ntellect (ibid). Secondly, the brain stem is located in the posterior division of the brain and connected to the spinal cord. Beside that it includes three significant parts; medulla obbligato, pens and mandarin. Each one controls principal performance and it is the pathway of sending and receiving sensory information signals from the body to the brain.It has other important functions that have a major affect on a person such as regulation of the respiratory system, consciousness, alertness and awareness (Kiering & Barr, 2009). In general, both cerebrum and brain stem damage may end a arson's life because they contain all the regulation centers for all of the most critical functions that are needed to sustain life. There are many criteria to diagnose brain death. Each country has their organization, but there are general rules and guidelines in determining brain death for patients worldwide.There are important tools to consider when deciding whether the patient is dead or not, befor e the process of diagnosis of death by the criteria. The first tool is a person who is approaching the protocol of brain death qualified? For example, an ICC physician, an anesthesiologist, an internist, a neurosurgeon or a neuron physician are allowed and qualified to perform the tests because they have studied and trained to diagnose brain death, but a dermatologist or an ophthalmologist they have not done training on that.Although, they need to know the state of the patient and must be in a coma with ventilator support and the cause of their comatose condition must be rolled out, for instance, Head trauma, Cardiovascular hemorrhage, cerebral Anglia or primary brain tumor. Next, the cause of brain damage must be clarified six hours before tarring brain functions evaluation. Finally, the patient should not be hypothermia and body temperature has to be above 34 C or 32 C in some countries protocol and the person should not be under sedatives, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant†¦ E tc Drugs for at least the previous five days. When these tools completed correctly the physician can start the diagnosis in following exam steps. The first clinical examination is to confirm that the patient is in a coma and to make sure a patient is not having any seizure activity in the brain. Furthermore, the physician needs to test he absence of motor response by painful stimulation for both hands and feet. It is required to do these evaluation exams on the standard method before starting the brain stem reflexes test because each exam depends on the previous one to give correct final result.Once the physician has done from the previous evaluation he will start the brain stem reflexes tests, which called the first clinical examination. These are five different exams and begin with papillary response. The light stimulation to test the pupil response by bright beam of light on both eyes, for example, a pen alights. Also, corneal reflex is involuntary blinking and has to be tested v ia a wisp of cotton wool to touch the cornea. Thirdly, cool-cephalic reflex it does perform by moving the head to a different direction and monitor the retina changes during the head movements.Fourthly, vestibule-ocular reflex this another test to activated eye movements by injecting both ears about 50 ml of ice-cold water or saline for adult, but children, less than 20 ml may be used. After all, upper and lower airways stimulation is produce either gagging or coughing. Furthermore, this exam's purpose or provoke the pharynx and trachea. For instance, using catheter leads down to reach into the pharynx and the trachea (Saudi center of organ transplantation, 2009). Accordingly, all those brain stem tests should result an absent responses to declare brain stem death.After finalization of the first examination, it's recommended to not start the second clinical test before 6 hours from the time of first exam end for an adult and after 12 hours for children (above 1 year),24 hours for in fants (above 60 days-I year) and 48 hours for neonate (7 days-60 days). Therefore to have enough mime to perform the confirmatory tests, such as Electroencephalogram (EGG) which is a machine that has 21 electrodes connected to the skull to cover all the brain regions and measures the electrical activity of the brain (ibid).In fact, the EGG and other confirmatory tests are optional in some countries but it is often helpful for the physician to prove that the brain is permanently damaged by having more than one test that confirms his diagnosis and prognosis. The next clinical exam is apneas; it is done to indicate the failure of involuntary respiration. This exam has a specific rotator to perform it, such as an increase the inspired fraction of oxygen without changing the ventilation rate, disconnect the patient from the ventilator for 10 minutes and supply a continuous flow of humidified air.These procedures are done to detect if there is any attempt for the patient to breathe (ibid) . Another test that is sensitive in analyzing the circulation in the brain is transitional Doppler (ETC) this examination detects the velocity of the blood that's circulating in the blood vessels supplying oxygen-rich blood to the brain. It uses ultrasonic waves that are focused onto a beam that is directed at different depths and angles by an experienced operator. The technologist uses sites on the skull where the bone is relatively thin and relatively close to the major vessels whose blood flow velocities are critical.One major vessel that supplies the brain is the Middle Cerebral Artery (MAC). When the blood flow circulation is compromised to the extent that survivability is not possible the ETC shows reverberating waveforms as the blood ceases to flow in it's normal direction and instead is ineffectually regurgitating back and forth without flow in espouse to the heart contraction. Later there are systolic spikes that indicate some increased pressure in the vessel with heart con traction but without effective flowing of blood through the vessel.The last signal that is compatible with brain death is a loss of signal entirely indicating no activity in the vessel and no recordable blood flow in the critical vessels of the brain. In conclusion, the concept of brain death has developed with period of the medical field improvements. The absence of a rich uninterrupted supply of oxygen is imperative to supply the brain and maintain unconsciousness and provide for the populations of neurons to continue to function properly.Trauma, disorders and diseases which impair circulation in the cerebral cortex and brain stem bring about a cascading assortment of symptoms that if not reversed results in death. The protocols and guidelines for brain death determination have been established for the safety of the patient to distinguish between patients who have suffered a life-threatening insult, but who may recover and those unfortunate individuals in whom there is no hope for recovery.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis of “The Shield of Achilles” Essay

The Shield of Achilles is a poem of nine stanzas where the author W.H.Auden has used an episode from the famous Homeric epic ‘Iliad’, as the name suggests. Achilles as we know was the greatest hero of the Trojan War and his shield as mentioned here has its reference in the book eighteen of the Iliad. There Thetis, the sea goddess and Achilles’ mother requests Hephaestus the divine blacksmith to make a shield for Achilles whose armor has been taken away by the Trojan hero Hector when he killed Patroclus to whom Achilles had lent it. Auden here has narrated the episode of the Iliad where this shield is in the making. Interestingly unlike the epical shield which was decorated by Hephaestus with stars and constellation, two beautiful towns full of people, scene of cultivation, a vineyard laden with grapes, herd of cattle, dancing girls and boys, the shield in question presents a scene of lifelessness, destruction and decadence of a moribund society of people. The poem starts with an unnamed woman and a man whom we later identify as Thetis and Hephaestus. She is looking over his shoulder to watch the shield which is being made there. Contrary to her expectations she finds the shield being decorated with barbed wire enclosures and bored officials, weary sentries, detached and dispassionate men folk, a weed-choked-field and a frustrated young boy who knows nothing about love being always exposed to murder and rape. In the poem whenever Thetis peers over the blacksmith’s shoulder hoping to see some beautiful decoration of natural beauty being embossed on the shield, some morbid spectacle is sure to greet her eyes. Finally when Hephaestus leaves after finishing the shield, Thetis is distraught to find a horrific picture which makes Achilles’ doom all the more evident. The poet has used a method of flashback to emphasize the deplorable condition of the modern human society. Whenever Thetis looks over ‘his shoulder’ Auden gives us a glimpse of the beauty of the past by mentioning what she expects to see and what gruesome sights unfold before her. The poem shows a contrast between the ancient world of real heroes and the modern world of debasement. The poet W. H. Auden thus uses the shield of Achilles as a subject but all the beautiful descriptions of Homer have been replaced to show the poet’s disgust with blankness and  shallowness of the modern society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Thomas Hobbes essays

Thomas Hobbes essays Thomas Hobbes was born in London in 1588. After his receiving his education at Oxford he traveled to various European countries, learning and studying different forms of government. These studies led him to the question of why people allow themselves to be ruled. He also wondered what type of government would best govern in England. In 1651, Hobbes recorded his theories of philosophy in his most famous work entitled Leviathan. In Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, he states that in a humans state of nature he or she is evil, selfish, and cannot be ruled. There is no right or wrong, nor is there justice or injustice. Its basically every man for himself. The world is basically in chaos when humans are in this state. Each individuals main priority is self-preservation. In order to achieve this Hobbes came up with a right each individual possesses in order to achieve this self-preservation, the right of nature. In order to carry out this right, certain laws of nature were created. These laws are acts or forms of behavior that ensure ones safety and preservation. It is here that humans, according to Hobbes, form a society. In fact, Hobbes believed that the only reason individuals left their state of nature was to protect themselves from their own selfishness. A sole leader must be chosen to carry out certain decisions, as well as to set laws. This is why he entitled his philosophy Leviathan, because the word leviathan means sea monster, or overall ruler. Once the people have agreed to follow this ruler, they then have a moral obligation to carry out the law. Because individuals alone do not agree on anything, and are only interested in their own self-interests, a democracy is impossible to accomplish according to Hobbes. Therefore, a monarchy is the best way to govern a society. However, Hobbes ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Definition

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Definition Analysis of Variance, or ANOVA for short, is a statistical test that looks for significant differences between means on a particular measure. For example, say you are interested in studying the education level of athletes in a community, so you survey people on various teams. You start to wonder, however, if the education level is different among the different teams. You could use an ANOVA to determine if the mean education level is different among the softball team versus the rugby team versus the Ultimate Frisbee team. Key Takeaways: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Researchers conduct an ANOVA when they are interested in determining whether two groups differ significantly on a particular measure or test.There are four basic types of ANOVA models: one-way between groups, one-way repeated measures, two-way between groups, and two-way repeated measures.Statistical software programs can be used to make conducting an ANOVA easier and more efficient. ANOVA Models There are four types of basic ANOVA models (although it is also possible to conduct more complex ANOVA tests as well). Following are descriptions and examples of each. One-way between groups ANOVA A one-way between groups ANOVA is used when you want to test the difference between two or more groups. The example above, of education level among different sports teams, would be an example of this type of model. It is called a one-way ANOVA because there is only one variable (type of sport played) that is being used to divide participants into different groups. One-way repeated measures ANOVA If you are interested in assessing a single group at more than one time point, you should use a one-way repeated measures ANOVA. For example, if you wanted to test students’ understanding of a subject, you could administer the same test at the beginning of the course, in the middle of the course, and at the end of the course. Conducting a one-way repeated measures ANOVA would allow you to find out whether the students’ test scores changed significantly from the beginning to the end of the course. Two-way between groups ANOVA Imagine now that you have two different ways in which you want to group your participants (or, in statistical terms, you have two different independent variables). For example, imagine you were interested in testing whether test scores differed between student athletes and non-athletes, as well as for freshmen versus seniors. In this case, you would conduct a two-way between groups ANOVA. You would have three effects from this ANOVA- two main effects and an interaction effect. The main effects are the effect of being an athlete and the effect of class year. The interaction effect looks at the impact of both being an athlete and class year. Each of the main effects is a one-way test. The interaction effect is simply asking if the two main effects impact each other: for example, if student athletes scored differently than non-athletes did, but this was only the case when studying freshmen, there would be an interaction between class year and being an athlete. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA If you want to look at how different groups change across time, you can use a two-way repeated measures ANOVA. Imagine you’re interested in looking at how test scores change across time (as in the example above for a one-way repeated measures ANOVA). However, this time you’re also interested in assessing gender as well. For example, do males and females improve their test scores at the same rate, or is there a gender difference? A two-way repeated measures ANOVA can be used to answer these types of questions. Assumptions of ANOVA The following assumptions exist when you perform an analysis of variance: The expected values of the errors are zero.The variances of all errors are equal to each other.The errors are independent from one another.The errors are normally distributed. How an ANOVA is Done The mean is calculated for each of your groups. Using the example of education and sports teams from the introduction in the first paragraph above, the mean education level is calculated for each sports team.The overall mean is then calculated for all of the groups combined.Within each group, the total deviation of each individual’s score from the group mean is calculated. This tells us whether the individuals in the group tend to have similar scores or whether there is a lot of variability between different people in the same group. Statisticians call this within group variation.Next, how much each group mean deviates from the overall mean is calculated. This is called between group variation.Finally, an F statistic is calculated, which is the ratio of between group variation to the within group variation. If there is significantly greater between group variation than within group variation (in other words, when the F statistic is larger), then it is likely that the difference between the groups is statistically significant. Statistical software can be used to calculate the F statistic and determine whether it is significant or not. All types of ANOVA follow the basic principles outlined above. However, as the number of groups and the interaction effects increase, the sources of variation will become more complex. Performing an ANOVA Because conducting an ANOVA by hand is a time-consuming process, most researchers use statistical software programs when they are interested in conducting an ANOVA. SPSS can be used to conduct ANOVAs, as can R, a free software program. In Excel, you can do an ANOVA by using the Data Analysis Add-on. SAS, STATA, Minitab, and other  statistical software programs  that are equipped for handling bigger and more complex data sets can also be used to perform an ANOVA. References Monash University. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What to Do When You Miss Class

What to Do When You Miss Class Regardless of how good a student you are, how detail-oriented, hard working, or diligent, you can be certain that you will miss a class at some point in your academic career. And likely many more than one. There are many reasons for missing classes, ranging from illness, emergencies, and bereavement, to hangovers and a desire to sleep in. Why you missed class matters. If it was for irresponsible reasons, your absence signals that you need to take a closer look at your obligations and priorities. What do you do after missing class? Do you just show up at the next class and start fresh? What about material that youve missed? Do you talk to professors? 7 Things To Do When You Miss Class (Before and After Your Absence) 1 . Understand that some faculty, especially graduate faculty, take offense at absences for any reason. Period. They might be a bit more warm to students who were gravely ill, but dont count on it. And dont take it personally. At the same time, some faculty​ members  dont want a reason for your absence. Try to determine where your prof stands and let that guide your behavior. 2. Be aware of attendance, late work, and make-up policies. This information should be listed in your course syllabus. Some faculty​ members  dont accept late work or offer make-up exams, regardless of the reason. Others offer opportunities to make up for lost work  but have very strict policies about when they will accept make-up work. Read the syllabus to ensure that you dont miss any opportunities. 3. Ideally, email your professor before class. If youre ill or have an emergency, try to send an email to inform the professor that you cannot attend class and, if you wish, provide an excuse. Be professional - offer a concise explanation without going into personal details. Ask whether you may stop by his or her office during office hours to pick up any handouts. If possible, hand in assignments beforehand, by email (and offer to hand in a hard copy when youre back on campus, but an emailed assignment shows that its completed on time). 4. If you cannot email before class, do so afterward. 5. Never ask if you missed anything important. Most faculty  members feel that class time itself is important. This is a surefire way to make a professors eyes roll (maybe inwardly, at least!) 6. Do not ask the professor to go over what you missed. The professor lectured and discussed the material in class and likely will not do it for you now. Instead, demonstrate that you care and are willing to try by reading the course material and handouts, and then ask questions and seek help for the material that you dont understand. This is a more productive use of your (and the professors) time. It also demonstrates initiative. 7. Turn to your classmates for information about what happened in class and ask that they share their notes. Be sure to read more than one students notes because students have different perspectives and might miss some points. Read notes from several students and youre more likely to get a complete picture of what happened in class. Dont let a missed class damage your relationship with your professor or your standing.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Social Entrepreneurship - Essay Example The company does not engage purely on dole outs to global society’s disadvantaged groups. Instead, the company’ main aim is to sustainably alleviate the lives of world’s poor. One strategy is distributing the revenue-generating Kickstart moneymaker pumps. The pumps help the world’s poor farmers generate profitable farm businesses, alleviating their economic plight. The Kickstart organization helps the world’s poor find related jobs (Kickstart, 2014). Mr. James Collins insisted great companies employ social discipline, humble enough to implement timely social responsibility activities. Fannie Mae’s business included ensuring thousands of Americans achieve their dream homes (Collins 110). Collins insists that level 5 leadership focuses on humble achievement of organization’s goals (Collins 17). In times of difficulties, the company must favorably never lose hope 65. Incorporating discipline and technology to best achieve organizational goals is a realistic business greatness concept (Collins 120). Social entrepreneurship entails contributing to the society’s improvement. The Kickstart organization helps improve the world’s poor conditions. Collins affirms the company must maximize scarce resources and technology to achieve social responsibility-laden company objectives. Evidently, social entrepreneurship includes allocating time and resources to improving the community’s social

Friday, October 18, 2019

Create a staffing plan for a job position Essay

Create a staffing plan for a job position - Essay Example o assist the patients in taking the healthy intake and treat their illnesses by fulfilling any nutritional deficiencies that might occur in their bodies. Normally, the nutritionists are required 24 hours a day, all days a week, but surely the work schedules correspond to the different shifts as per schedule. Some of the issues arising from a full time job are the hectic and painful schedule of meeting the timely meal requirements of the patients, the vigilance required in the process throughout in supervising and also in the planning process. Besides, all the staff should be provided with adequate training; the job not only requires the nutritionist related skill but management skills are also important as the nature of the job is such that it requires managing the people including the chef, the kitchen people and also dealing with the purchasing agents for the required accessories and components of the meal for the patients. The working conditions for nutritionists are usually in pleasant surroundings. They might be sometimes expected to work in kitchens that may be steamy, might occasionally require them to be on their feet for extended periods of time. They work in offices, hospital kitchens, or college classrooms. They come into contact with other professional people as well as with kitchen personnel, clerical staff, students, patients, and a wide variety of other people. They should have management ability, an aptitude for science, good health, imagination, and the ability to get along well with others.2 The job of the nutritionist includes first identifying the nutritional status of each patient by gathering the subjective information the patients’ records, their attendants or the guardians. They also counsel their subjects about their nutritional needs and provide them with information that can help them prevent their current problems and in future also avoid the medical problems that they have. Another part of their job is to train and conduct

Conflict Scenario Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Conflict Scenario - Assignment Example If one analyses these Myers-Briggs type differences in tandem with the differences in the age, experience and the qualification of these two people, it gets really easy to understand the dynamics of this conflict (Eilerman 1). Jane being more experienced and extrovert seems to be really interested in the technical expertise of Brandon. Brandon on the contrary being introvert and perceiving, seems to be misinterpreting Jane's overtures as being nosy and prying. Both the people do not harbor any serious malice towards each other. The conflict has originated simply because of the differences in their personality types. 3. While Brandon and Jane are resorting to a combination of the controlling and avoiding mode of conflict handling, they can make the things much better by resorting to a compromising mode that is expected to gradually evolve to a collaborating mode, considering the fact that both of them are talented and skilled people. 4. My plan of action is that first I would arrange separate meetings with Jane and Brandon. Listening is the most important skill that could be used in such a scenario. I will seriously listen to the views of Jane and Brandon and will try to identify their underlying concerns and issues.

The Affordalbe Care Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Affordalbe Care Act - Research Paper Example every citizen has the right to obtain affordable and dependable health care, which is the responsibility of the Federal government to make sure efficient provision of the service. The notion encouraged him to fight for legislation the Affordable care act. Obama’s ideologies on health care is founded on believe that the insurance companies unrestrained authority to influence care, and patient insurance have left many Americans uninsured and underinsured (Phillips 20). In accordance with the new law commonly termed as â€Å"Obama care,† Obama believes that American citizens are geared towards the provision of a health care system that is secure. The scheme entails Americans receiving health insurance through employers to make citizens coverage reasonable and secure. The scheme permits individuals with pre-existing conditions the capability to get preventative care with no payment of deductibles and co-pays. Additionally, Obama states the new law would eradicate insurance overpayments and fraud cases in Medicare together with Medicaid systems, which would save people a lot of money. This move permitted Obama to ensure the expansion of health care provision to many people who would have been insured, but now enjoy coverage on their parents’ scheme until they reach 26years of age. The Affordable Care Act offers seniors similar benefits that would need individuals earning more than $200,000, to make contributions to the Medicare Trust Fund beginning starting in 2013. When evaluated the health care visions in the past and the current are noticeably

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The importance of recycling water to prevent polution Essay

The importance of recycling water to prevent polution - Essay Example er areas within the environment (Onsola, Para 3). Water has a wide range of importance, and that is advocated to recycle it in order prevent pollution. Recycling of water is a significant gesture in the present world and for the coming future generations. Water recycling provides a wide range of environmental benefits that are imperative for living. Measures of water recycling facilitate decrease on the extraction from available sources, which supports of habitats. In circumstances where water sources have been endangered through over extraction such as in forests many animal lives have been put into high risk. This proves the importance of water in the environment and also the side effects that have the capability to arise once issues have not been fixed (Onsola, Para 5). Recycling of waste water has been proved to be effective in decreasing the rate of discharge of effluents, which have a high capability of polluting the ecosystems of sensitive and imperative bodies of water. These measures have continued to score high especially in circumstances whereby various forms of life depend exclusively on water for consumption. Recycling of water has also a wide range of f8importance in terms of creating totally new wetlands and in at the same time facilitating quality of life to the existing creatures. Recycling of water has also proved to aid in cushioning of the deteriorating global warming. This is an essential approach since global warming is a serious phenomenon that affects all living forms in a large negative manner (Putatunda, Para 5). Preventing of water pollution is everyone’s responsibility, and it is under this scenario that many organizations have been taking corporate social responsibility activities of minimizing water pollution. This has a close connection with the wide range of importance’s that have been attached to water. However, every living creature cannot do without consumption of water, and this tends to explain the importance of this

Study Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Study Skills - Essay Example Study skills are never attained fully formed, any more than a grown man pops out of his mother’s womb. According to Cottrell(2003 p3)They evolve and mature through repetition, trial and error, critique from others and continued reflection as you progress through your individual journey as a learner The purpose of this module is to provide the opportunity to acquire and develop the study skills that will be necessary to successfully complete this course to a standard that I am aiming for. Being a competent independent learner is derived from being self motivated, being able to manage personal learning processes, good time management skills and continually reflecting on what and how you learn best and tailoring your energies to suit. Within this portfolio I will examine the development of learner independence, time management, self evaluation of personal learning, production of an action plan and improving my essay writing skills. If as anticipated this is completed successfully it will add additional skills to my current ones and aide me in my current quest to secure a higher second grade result on this degree course. Learner independence or autonomy can be defined as â€Å"capacity to take responsibility for, and control of, your own learning, whether in an institutionalised context, or completely independent of a teacher or institution† (Thornbury, 2006). Learner independence is the ability of the learners to control their learning process (Holec, 1981). In the present age, when knowledge is growing at very fast pace because of the ongoing research work and rapid advancements in technology, the importance of independent learning cannot be overemphasized. Learners must understand that the education they are provided with at institutions is time-constrained, and what they need to learn is not limited to what they are taught in schools. Most learners used to learning in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The importance of recycling water to prevent polution Essay

The importance of recycling water to prevent polution - Essay Example er areas within the environment (Onsola, Para 3). Water has a wide range of importance, and that is advocated to recycle it in order prevent pollution. Recycling of water is a significant gesture in the present world and for the coming future generations. Water recycling provides a wide range of environmental benefits that are imperative for living. Measures of water recycling facilitate decrease on the extraction from available sources, which supports of habitats. In circumstances where water sources have been endangered through over extraction such as in forests many animal lives have been put into high risk. This proves the importance of water in the environment and also the side effects that have the capability to arise once issues have not been fixed (Onsola, Para 5). Recycling of waste water has been proved to be effective in decreasing the rate of discharge of effluents, which have a high capability of polluting the ecosystems of sensitive and imperative bodies of water. These measures have continued to score high especially in circumstances whereby various forms of life depend exclusively on water for consumption. Recycling of water has also a wide range of f8importance in terms of creating totally new wetlands and in at the same time facilitating quality of life to the existing creatures. Recycling of water has also proved to aid in cushioning of the deteriorating global warming. This is an essential approach since global warming is a serious phenomenon that affects all living forms in a large negative manner (Putatunda, Para 5). Preventing of water pollution is everyone’s responsibility, and it is under this scenario that many organizations have been taking corporate social responsibility activities of minimizing water pollution. This has a close connection with the wide range of importance’s that have been attached to water. However, every living creature cannot do without consumption of water, and this tends to explain the importance of this

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Vision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Vision - Research Paper Example At the end of the process, there is the consolidation of the gains by the organization before ending the process by anchoring the change (Cameron and Mike 187). The success of any organization usually comes about due to the joint efforts of all stakeholders within the organization especially in decision-making. This calls for the engagement of every person within an organization in the coming up with a vision and its communication so that the business achieves its mission and objectives presently and in the future. This underscores the importance of vision to any business that operates in any environment, which must carefully adopt changes especially in its vision to align it with the dynamism of the operational environment. In this work, our focus will be on vision, what and how it should be and the reason for having the vision within an organization. Vision is important to any organization as it will determining the success of the business as it gives the process through which the business is to be run and the expected benefits. This means that having a strong vision and the strategy for executing it is important in the carrying out of change within any organization. According to Kotter, having an effective vision helps the company to define its future by conveying a picture of what it will look like as well as knowing the realistic and attainable goals. The vision also helps in knowing the long-term interests of the employees and guidance on the decision-making goals of the organization. A clear vision for an organization helps in allowing individual initiative and the possibility of having alternatives especially when the conditions within the organization change. According to Kotter, the management of change within an organization is important for the planning and the control off the processes within the organization that are geared towards transforming the way it is run

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ostracism in Athenian Democracy

Ostracism in Athenian Democracy Question 3. Ostraka Ostracism was a process instituted as one of the Kleisthenic reforms of 508/7BC as a result of the non-elite intervention in the conflict with the Spartan backed Isagoras, although there is no evidence for its actual use before 487BC (Forsdyke 2005: 144). Lasting for a period of 70 years it was a symbolic reminder of democratic power as opposed to elite rule as well as a pragmatic device for controlling the ambitions of potentially powerful traitors, or leading figures, without destabilizing the political system (Forsdyke 2005: 143). It required a minimum of 6,000 male citizens to take part in an annual secret ballot by inscribing the name of their preferred candidate on a potsherd (ostrakon plural ostraka) and the person who polled the most votes on a simple majority basis was exiled from Athens and Attica for a period of 10 years (Easterling and Handley 2001: 26) with the property and rights of the exile being protected by law during their exclusion. Ostrakon A. The inscriptions on this ostrakon(Fig. 1) can be transcribed, transliterated and translated as follows:- ÃŽ  ÃŽâ€¢ÃŽ ¡ÃŽâ„¢ÃŽÅ¡ÃŽâ€ºÃŽâ€¢ÃŽ £ ÃŽ §ÃŽ £ÃŽâ€˜ÃŽ ÃŽËœÃŽâ„¢ÃŽ  ÃŽ  ÃŽÅ¸ Perikles Xsanthippo Pericles (son) of Xanthippos Pericles was an aristocratic politician who became a democratic leader and this text shows his name inscribed alongside the genitive patronymic (the name of his father). A member of the Alkmaeonid family his mother was the niece of Kleisthenes and his father had been exiled in 484BC but recalled as a general during the Persian war. In 463/2BC he was elected as a prosecutor of Cimon who had been accused of receiving bribes from Alexander of Macedon and this opposition to Cimon brought a coalition with Ephialtes in 462BC to attack and reform the Areopagus (Hornblower and Spawforth 2003: 1139). When Ephialtes died and Cimon was ostracised Pericles became one of the most influential men in Athens, being elected as strategos (general) for 10 consecutive years from 443BC, and was an unopposed ruler who had an ambitious foreign policy of westward expansion that saw Athens become predominant in Greece (Bowder 1982: 157). The extensive public building programme instituted by Pericles, which included the re-building of the Parthenon (Bowder 1982: 156), was intended to make Athens an example to all Greece (Thucydides 2.41). An active military leader he put down a revolt in Euboea in 446BC and reviewed Athens grain supply during an expedition to the Black Sea (Hornblower and Spawforth 2003: 1139). Having once proposed a unification of all Greek states that had fought Persia, which Sparta opposed, his strategy, based upon the advice of Themistocles (Thucydides 1.93.16-17), as Athenian leader in the Peloponnesian war was to avoid fighting in the open, stay behind their fortifications and allow their sea power to prevail. Unfortunately the Athenians did not follow this policy which resulted in defeat (Davies 1993: 118-20). Pericles also made probably the most famous speech on Athenian democracy as a funeral oration for those who fell fighting Sparta in the first year of the Peloponnesian war where he commen ds the Athenian model to their neighbours as government by the many as opposed to an elite few (Barrow 1999: 29-30, Thucydides 2.35-46). Ostrakon B. The text on this ostrakon(Fig. 2) can be transcribed, transliterated and translated as follows:- ÃŽ £ÃŽÅ¸ÃŽÅ¡ÃŽ ¡ÃŽâ€˜ÃŽ ¤ÃŽâ€¢ÃŽ £: ΑÎ ÃŽâ€˜ÃŽâ€œÃŽ ¥ÃŽ ¡ÃŽâ€˜ÃŽ £ÃŽâ„¢ÃŽÅ¸ÃŽ £ Sokrates: Anagyrasios Socrates (of the deme) of Anagyrous The Socrates named here is not the famous philosopher but a general, one of the 10 strategos elected annually one from each of the 10 tribes (Barrow 1999: 20). The text gives the demotic adjective in the nominative case rather than the more usual genitive patronymic and from this deme name we can link Socrates to the Erechtheis tribe (Whitehead 1986: 369). Anagyrous was a garrison deme, possibly part of the signalling network (Whitehead 1986: 401) and as this ostrakon relates to 440BC (Easterling and Handley 2001: 28) we can assume Socrates was elected as strategos by his tribe in 441/440BC and given command of the Anagyrous garrison. We know nothing else of him so can only guess at why he was nominated for ostracism. Inscriptions C (Easterling and Handley 2001: p29). These inscriptions can be transliterated and translated as:- Themisthokles Neokleos Themistocles (son) of Neocles Themisthokles Neokleosito Themistocles (son) of Neocles Get Out Although these ostraka have the more normal form showing the genitive case patronymic two items are of note. Firstly, the double use of theta in Themistocles name and secondly the use of ito (Get out) which underlines the depth of feeling against him (Easterling and Handley 2001: 29) which is an interesting perspective given his reputation as father of the Athenian navy and the fact that he had implemented ostracism in 487BC (Bowder 1982: 198). There is evidence that the surviving ostraka on which Themistocles name is inscribed were written by only 14 people and this may reflect either the poor level of literacy at the time (ostraka being pre-prepared or written by a scribe) or some form of vote rigging (Murray 1993: 285). Themistocles was an Athenian politician, a member of the Lycomid family, a radical democrat who attempted to destroy the aristocracy and considered to be one of the greatest men of his generation (Bowder 1982: 199). When he was archonhe had developed Piraeus as the harbour of Athens (Thucydides 1.93.11-12) and argued that output from the Laurium silver mines be spent on increasing the size of the Athenian navy, ostensibly for the war against Aigina but in reality for use against Persia, which culminated in the victory at Salamis in 480BC (Herodotus 7.144.1-5). Although he had avoided being ostracised in the 480s he was sent into exile in 470/1BC after clashing with Cimon over accusations of negotiating with Persia (Bowder 1982: 198) but when accused by Sparta of becoming Persian he was recalled, fled and in his absence was condemned to death for treason. Arriving in Persia he was made governor of Magnesia where he remained until his death (Hornblower and Spawforth 2003: 1497). Ostracism fell into disrepair after 416BC when Alcibiades and Phiax manipulated its use to combine their forces and have their political rival Hyperbolus exiled. Corruption had always been present but this time it had been so blatant and visible that it completely discredited the process and its use was abandoned (Easterling and Handley 2001: 29). Bibliography Ancient Sources Herodotus: The Histories. trans. A. De Selincourt (Penguin ukessays>essays>classics). Middlesex. Penguin Books. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1986. Thucydides: The History of the Peloponnesian War. trans. R. Livingstone (The Worlds ukessays>essays>classics). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1973. Modern Sources Barrow, R. 1999: Athenian Democracy. (Inside the Ancient World). London. Bristol Classical Press. Bowder, D. (ed.) 1982: Who was who in the Greek world. Oxford. Phaidon Press. Davies, J.K. 1993: Democracy and Classical Greece. 2nd Edition (Fontana History of the Ancient World). London. Harper Collins. Forsdyke, S.L. 2005: Exile, Ostracism and Democracy: the Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece. Princeton. Princeton University Press. Hornblower, S and Spawforth, A (eds). 2003: The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 3rd Edition Revised. Oxford. Oxford University Press. Murray, O. 1993: Early Greece. 2nd Edition (Fontana History of the Ancient World). London. Harper Collins. Whitehead, D. 1986: The Demes of Attica 508/7- 250BC. London. Princeton University Press.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hackers Today :: Essays Papers

Hackers Today Over the last twenty years, a technological revolution has occurred as computers are now an essential element of today's society. Large computers are used to track reservations for the airline industry, process billions of dollars for banks, manufacture products for industry, and conduct major transactions for businesses because more and more people now have computers at home and at the office. People commit computer crimes because of society's declining ethical standards more than any economic need. According to experts, gender is the only bias. The profile of today's non-professional thieves crosses all races, age groups and economic strata. Computer criminals tend to be relatively honest and in a position of trust: few would do anything to harm another human, and most do not consider their crime to be truly dishonest. Most are males: women have tended to be accomplices, though of late they are becoming more aggressive. Computer Criminals tend to usually be "between the ages of 14- 30, they are usually bright, eager, highly motivated, adventuresome, and willing to accept technical challenges."(Shannon, 16:2) "It is tempting to liken computer criminals to other criminals, ascribing characteristics somehow different from 'normal' individuals, but that is not the case."(Sharp, 18:3) It is believed that the computer criminal "often marches to the same drum as the potential victim but follows and unanticipated path."(Blumenthal, 1:2) There is no actual profile of a computer criminal because they range from young teens to elders, from black to white, from short to tall. Definitions of computer crime has changed over the years as the users and misusers of computers have expanded into new areas. "When computers were first introduced into businesses, computer crime was defined simply as a form of white-collar crime committed inside a computer system."(2600:Summer 92,p.13) Some new terms have been added to the computer criminal vocabulary. "Trojan Horse is a hidden code put into a computer program. Logic bombs are implanted so that the perpetrator doesn't have to physically present himself or herself." (Phrack 12,p.43) Another form of a hidden code is "salamis." It came from the big salami loaves sold in delis years ago. Often people would take small portions of bites that were taken out of them and then they were secretly returned to the shelves in the hopes that no one would notice them missing.(Phrack 12,p.44) Congress has been reacting to the outbreak of computer crimes.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Sleep deprivation is a common condition that occurs if you don’t get enough sleep. In case of sleep deprivation people have trouble falling and staying asleep for a long period of time. In order to understand how serious sleep deprivation can be, one must need to know causes and consequences of sleep deprivation, how much sleep do we need? What does sleep do for us? And how we can cure sleep deprivation. Each year at least 40 million Americans suffer from long term, persistent sleep disorders, and an additional 20 million experience occasional sleeping problems. About 60 million Americans a year have insomnia and it tends to increase with age and affects about 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men. It is estimated that 18 million Americas are suffering from sleep apnea, 12 million have RLS, and 250,000 are affected by narcolepsy. Adults typically need between 6 and 10 hours of sleep per 24 hour period, and most people need approximately 8 hours of sleep per day. Infants generally need about 16 hours per day; whereas, teenagers require 9 hours on average. In the first 3 months of... Essay -- Sleep deprivation is a common condition that occurs if you don’t get enough sleep. In case of sleep deprivation people have trouble falling and staying asleep for a long period of time. In order to understand how serious sleep deprivation can be, one must need to know causes and consequences of sleep deprivation, how much sleep do we need? What does sleep do for us? And how we can cure sleep deprivation. Each year at least 40 million Americans suffer from long term, persistent sleep disorders, and an additional 20 million experience occasional sleeping problems. About 60 million Americans a year have insomnia and it tends to increase with age and affects about 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men. It is estimated that 18 million Americas are suffering from sleep apnea, 12 million have RLS, and 250,000 are affected by narcolepsy. Adults typically need between 6 and 10 hours of sleep per 24 hour period, and most people need approximately 8 hours of sleep per day. Infants generally need about 16 hours per day; whereas, teenagers require 9 hours on average. In the first 3 months of...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Benefits of Educating Employees

Is it possible for a business to increase productivity by offering workplace computer literacy training to their employees? This paper asked the question: Are there benefits to employers that provide workplace education and training, above and beyond increased competency? The answer, as reported by research, is a resounding yes. Benefits such as increased self-confidence, increased adaptability, flexibility, the willingness to accept change and increased success in job-related training plus increased skills were reportedly derived from the workplace competency training offered.Moreover these benefits translated into more productivity for the organization. Benefits of Educating Employees Introduction With the rapid changes taking place in our world economy, researching the question of workplace education benefits is significant. The question arose whether the workforce is sufficiently educated to compete in a global economy. The research pointed to competency as being imperative in to day's global economy, which implies an acceptance of computer competency. Education and competency training is defined as more than being able to work, but to make decisions.It is defined as being an important adjunct of technology. Education of skills, particularly computer competency and how they function gave the employees an overview of the system as a whole. It helped them understand how their machine worked and gave them an impetus to look for solutions themselves. This transcended into time saved and increased efficiency. The paper also indicated that companies which supported education in the workforce benefited because their employees exhibited improved self-confidence which translated into increased productivity and performance.More flexibility and a willingness to accept change were also deemed to benefits received from competency and skills training. Next point showed how computer literacy training benefited companies by helping their employees understand the computerize d equipment they were working on. This understanding translated into: increased self-confidence, increased adaptability and flexibility, increased production as well as the willingness to take other training and succeed at same. Education and training today does include competency and skills not only in offices but also on shop floors.The benefits to providing workplace competency and skills training to employees are multifaceted. It may lessen the time it takes for people to learn. Return on investment is always of interest to businesses and organizations. The paper illustrated how employees, managers, supervisors as well as trainers observed behaviors from participants in the training, which reflected savings and profit for the organization. Some of the benefits are: saving time, increased production, increased flexibility, willingness to ask questions and changed attitudes.The paper points out how important it is to prepare to evaluate the training at the beginning of a project i n order to determine what the organization is really trying to achieve with this specific training. The research concludes by looking at the organizational implications of offering workplace competency and skills training. Education and Competency Training Benefits There has been a great deal of information published on competency training done in the workplace.For example, in the 1997 report, The Impact of Basic Skills Programs on Canadian Workplaces: Results of a National Study for ABC CANADA Competency Foundation, the following information was reported. â€Å"The study consisted of in-depth phone interviews with 86 individuals from 53 workplaces that have had basic skills programs for at least one year. Sixty percent of the individuals interviewed were employer representatives and 40% were employee representatives. † (n. d. , The Benefits of Improving Competency Skills in the Workplace) The following are impacts to the workplace identified by the study: †¢ increases i n the quality of work – 84%†¢ increased work effort – 73% †¢ more competent use of technology – 87%. (ABC CANADA Competency Foundation, The Benefits of Improving Competency Skills in the Workplace, n. d. ) Bloom and LaFleur's (1999) report on improving competency skills through workplace education programs, indicates that â€Å"Although the impact of basic skills training on profits varies according to the value and shortage of a given skill or group of skills within a particular business sector, employers overwhelmingly report increased profits and other bottom-line benefits when their employees gain basic skills that enable them to work more effectively.† (p. 4) On page six of this report there is a list of eleven skills gained by employees who participated in workplace education programs as well as a list of twenty three organizational benefits gained by the employers. Willis (1994) reports that working with employees to expand workplace comp etency at the Peavey Electronics Corporation the following results were noted: â€Å"all employees had statistically significant increases in job performance with the areas of attitude, getting the job done, volunteering, doing extra, and dependability showing the most improvement.† (p. 25) U. S. Department of Labor (1992) states that: â€Å"A high-performance workplace requires workers who have a solid foundation in the basic competency and computational skills, the thinking skills, and in the personal qualities that make workers dedicated and trustworthy†¦ (p. 5). High-performance workplaces also require competencies: the ability to manage resources, to work amicably and productively with others, to acquire and use information, to master complex systems, and to work with a variety of technologies. † (p. 6)According to Dr. Harvey Krahn (1998) workplace competency programs target people with very low competency skills; however, if we look at competency as a contin uum, businesses will recognize that it will benefit them to develop competency in people at all levels in the workplace. Bloom and LaFleur research (1999) has shown that â€Å"improving employee's skills creates employees who work smarter and better and who cope well with change in the workplace, improves union/management relations and increases output and profitability. † (p.3) The above speak of all competencies being important in the workplace. What challenges arise for businesses if employees are not literate? Bloom, Campbell and Gagnon (2001) speak of competency as being a crucial role in corporate competitiveness and productivity. They talk of globalization threatening U. S. ‘s economy and of people being a prime competitive advantage in the new economy. They maintain that U. S. ‘s traditional advantage of having a skilled workforce is being threatened by other countries gaining knowledge and improving the competency skills of their workers.They list the ben efits to employers who work to increase the competency skills of their employees as: improved production and income, cost savings, better communication and employee retention as well as improved health and safety. For employees some of the benefits listed are higher income, more job security, less unemployment, improved self-confidence, more opportunities for job training, better attitude. (GAM, 2005) Benefits Specific to Computer Based Training The importance of computer training in today's workplace is shown by the following statistics. More than one-half of all workers in U. S. now use a computer on the job.Data from the General Social Survey, on which the article is based, show that an estimated 8. 3 million workers, or 57% of the total employed, used a computer at their main job in 2000, compared with 33% in 1989 (Marshall, 2001, pp. 1-2). Ginsbury and Elmore (1998, p. 2) point out that computer training can save employees time to â€Å"compile and manage large data†; th erefore, there is more time to spend on â€Å"creative, higher level work that that depends on the quick availability and quick manipulation of information†. They go on to say that much learning has been removed from the â€Å"objects of work whether a machine part, raw data or communication.† They speak of workers who fear technology or have difficulty learning new or upgraded technology as being liable to end up at the â€Å"lower end of a professional hierarchy. † Leckie, Leonard, Turcotte and Wallace (2001, p. 1) talk of work â€Å"evolving as the result of globalization, increased competition, the development of new technologies and other changes in the business environment. In the face of these trends, businesses are adopting new technologies and ways of organizing work to attain efficiency and productivity gains† (p. 9).They speak of businesses being wiser to retain their skilled employees rather than hire new, technically trained employees. They s uggest that computer training can promote employee movement within a firm. Then firms have the best of both worlds, an employee who is experienced with the organization and has upgraded skills. They talk of new technology requiring new skills to be able to adapt to changing markets. They point to â€Å"job rotation, flexible job design and work teams† (p. 11) as giving employers the flexibility to have employees that will be able to adapt to change.They point to the effect of technological training for employees – if they become unemployed they have an easier time finding a job. They speak of computer training as being able to help employees deal with change as well as help them improve their performance and add to job satisfaction. McNeill (2000, p. 3) talks of computer competency at the executive level, as being more than â€Å"just using email and pulling files off the Web and so forth. We live in an increasingly high-tech world and overnight redundancies have beco me the norm. Companies that can't assess these changes can easily get left behind.† He goes on to speak of downsizing and how computer competency is not listed as a reason to downsize; however, firms who have a choice of someone who is computer literate and someone of comparable skills that is not, will most likely choose to keep the person with computer skills. Computer based training attracts many and varied employees in the workplace. Most studies and papers state that computer training is beneficial to employees because it allows them the confidentiality to study what they need without others knowing. For instance there are many computer programs written which teach different skills.Also the training can be self-paced so there is no pressure to keep up. A bonus is if there are computer labs at work, employees can study when there is a suitable time in their schedule, such as lunch breaks, coffee breaks and before or after work. (Rae, O'Driscoll, 2004) I believe that traini ng and education, especially computer is and will continue to be, very important to both employers and employees. As the information society develops, information and the know-how based on it will become more and more decisive as factors of production.Networking based on the application of information and communications technology, especially telecommunications, is a major trend. As well as creating new ways of communicating and working, information technology has made possible new methods of producing and distributing products and services (UNESCO, 2002, section 2. 1). Technological competency—meaning computer skills and the ability to use computers and other technology to improve learning, productivity and performance—has become as fundamental to a person's ability to navigate through society as traditional skills like reading, writing and arithmetic †¦ (Selfe, 1998, p. 1).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

International Trade and Finance Speech Essay

This speech delivered by the Speaker of the House to a group of reporters surrounding the topics of international trade, foreign exchange rates, import surplus and how they each impact different constituencies. It will also explain why the government would not be able to restrict importation of goods from China, or if wanted to impose tariffs. The Economy and international Trade The United States was once the highest exporter in all the world. Today, the United States has a negative balance of trade, because of the fact that we now import more goods than we export goods. An example of an import would be oil. The oil that we have imported impacts our businesses and our consumers by making gasoline and other oil derivatives more expensive. This makes prices increase because consumers will have to pay for goods from the fact that the cost of driving will go up. This is a major reason why the government is trying to encourage the development of alternate forms of energy such as coal or natural gas. The goods that the United States imports are not always negative. American consumers have benefited greatly from the imports such as electronics or apparel that is made mostly in Asia. The cost of production for these goods are lower in China and most other Asian countries, making it much cheaper for Americans to buy these types of goods that are being manufactured overseas. The reality of international trade is that production will naturally shift to places where goods can be manufactured more efficiently and at a lower price. What the United States has to focus on is developing new technologies and products of higher quality. With a focus based on innovation and quality instead of labor costs. International trade has an impact on the country’s GDP, the financial markets, and importantly university students. The GDP of the United States becomes stronger when we export goods more than we import goods. If negative trade balances become consistent it can lead to deficits, which will in turn cause the government to borrow more. If the government borrows more this will have an impact on the financial markets which could in time make it more costly for the United States to cover all its deficits. We need to promote our exports in order to help the GDP and make our country more impressive to investors. A healthier economy will create enough employment for those needed, especially university graduates that will be trained for the field. The quotas and tariffs regarding the government’s choices has a direct impact on our trade and the relations that we have with other countries. Reducing tariffs and participating in free trade agreements helps our export businesses. This is a reason why our government has in the past worked for establishing trade agreements with countries as South Korea, Panama, and Colombia. When a free trade agreement takes place the trading partners will erase their quotas or tariffs against products from America, this makes it easier for us to send our products to those countries. Trade is a two way engagement, where both are finding a way to benefit, with consumers benefiting as well and our exports getting higher. Foreign exchange rates are the rates of one type of currency converted to another. Such as the rate for exchange between American dollars and Japan’s Yen which is 76 Yen per dollar. Some currencies are fixed with others. The rates of floating currency is determined by the supply and demand. An example is if the European demand for the dollar increases, the supply and demand relationship between them will cause the price to increase of the dollar in relation to the euro. There are many factors that affect exchange rates that include interest rates, unemployment, political instability, inflation, and GDP. When our GDP becomes higher and our exports become level with our imports, the stronger our currency will be and we will have a better overall financial health. There are some people that believe in protectionist policies that include restricting goods that are coming in from China and several other countries, including imposing tariffs that would increase costs for purchasing of goods in the United States. This kind of policy would be populist and fueled with the good intentions of trying to protect our American jobs, its actual consequences would be an elevating trade war with an opposite effect. History proves that when governments have attempted to restrict trade and enforced protectionist measures, other countries will attempt to retaliate and adopt similar policies. An example is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930, which broke records by increasing tariffs on 25,000 goods which had an end effect of reducing imports and exports by 50% as trade partners began with similar style tariffs. This will translate into more unemployment as companies that will export their goods will see a drastic demand drop. Restricting imports from China woul d bring drastic measures from the Chinese government, and our companies would struggle as they would be unable to export goods to that part of the world. References Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics (8th Ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin International Trade, ISSN 0020-7810, 2011, Volume 45, Issue 1, p. 79 The Journal of Economics, ISSN 0895-3309, 2007, Volume 21, Issue 3, p. 105 Foreign Policy, ISSN 0015-7228, 11/2003, Issue 139, p. 20 The American Foreign Trade, ISSN 0002-8282, 12/1928, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 706 – 713

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Establish the genre and themes of the film Essay

How does the opening sequence of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† try to capture audience interest and establish the genre and themes of the film? â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† has a very effective opening sequence, the first four minutes set the story of the movie, giving you an idea of what’s to come. â€Å"Romeo & Juliet† is believed to have been written around 1595 by William Shakespeare. The story is about a pair of star-crossed lovers. Two teenagers pursue their love for each other despite the fact that their families have been at odds with each other for decades. It is directed by Baz Lurhman who immediately captures the audience’s attention whilst establishing the film’s genre and themes using different methods. Baz Lurhman uses lighting and colour to capture the audience’s interest. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† starts with a black background and a Television coming closer to the camera with a newsreader. The black focuses the audience’s attention onto the newsreader and what she’s saying. Colour symbolism plays a key part in this film and is already demonstrated by the newsreader. The reporter wears red perhaps signaling love, danger and passion. Behind the newsreader is a sky blue screen, giving a feeling of coldness. Also Capulet and Montague are associated with red and blue. Colour symbolism is also demonstrated a lot in the opening sequence with grey, white, black, blue and red being the most common colours used. The colours grey, white and black are used in the clips of the newspapers with the black and white perhaps used as a contrast showing good versus evil or opposing sides. The grey can be interpreted as the families merging as white mixing with black makes grey or showing that the battles between the families isn’t as straight forward as it may seem. Another frequently used colour is red, the cross between Romeo and Juliet’s name is red maybe indicating that there is blood shed, tragedy and passion between them. Romeo and Juliet’s names are white on a dark background, which in a way could be emphasizing their innocence in a dark corrupting world. The different family names (Capulet and Montague) are coloured as red and blue. Different lighting techniques are used alternate between day and nighttime adding dramatic effects to the beginning, in the daylight the consequences of the feud can be seen e. g. people fighting, with guns etc. Strobe lighting is used to create the effects of police lights on the family’s faces of Romeo and Juliet, which is extremely effective and realistic reflecting modern day life. The next tactic used by Baz Lurhman to attract the audience’s attention is sound. The sounds helps set the atmosphere especially the music which keeps up with the images displayed on screen, the more dramatic the shots the more dramatic the music. For example when violent pictures are being shown the music becomes louder and faster. The music is exceptionally effective as the change of pace/dynamics in the music engages the audience’s attention. The sounds used are both diagetic and non-diagetic, the voiceover and music is diagetic and the helicopter, newsreader are non-diagetic which adds to the realism of the opening sequence. The voiceover featured in â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† is very realistic, serious and atmospheric. The man reads out a phrase from â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† summing up the story of the film, the extract is portrayed in three ways in the form of dialogue and writing. The repetition of the prologue may be for emphasis, the director would have seen this as an important extract for the audience so portrayed it in different ways as, different things appeal to different people. Another important part of sound is when the imagery of the guns are shown a choir boy sings a high note which could be interpreted as a scream, perhaps subtlety implying the hurt that has been caused by the feud. In the opening scene Baz Lurhman sets a lot of narrative clues and themes by showing different clips. A theme of violence is apparent with a lot of imagery of guns and police. In a way Baz Lurhman may have been trying to reflect modern day American society with guns being a common object on the streets as the film is also set in modern day New York. Another clear theme is religion; the film is Christian based (catholic), this is apparent by the statues of Mary and Jesus placed between the two families, the cross between the name’s of Romeo and Juliet as well as the person shown in the clips wearing a veil. It is noticeable that there is rivalry between the two families, both businesses on the opposite sides of the street and that there is a war/conflict going on not just involving the family indicating that both families have power and authority as they have influenced people to take their sides. Editing is an essential part of the opening sequence to attract the audience’s attention. The director Baz Lurhman edits the opening shots of the movie so the audience are introduced to the plot and characters (apart from Romeo and Juliet) before the film even begins. Jump shots are used at a very fast pace to reflect the speed of events in the play. There are variable scene lengths used to focus the audiences attention e. g. some scenes are long like when introducing characters compared to the shorter scenes when fast clips are shown of violence. Shots are interchanged very quickly e. g. shots of the statues which are then relegated to the background in a way the director is setting themes in context for the audience. Scenes of pure text and visuals are also used to reinforce messages through different perspectives e. g. dialogue, newspaper or action etc. as different people take in information in different ways. In a way it is the directors way of getting people to keep up with what is happening in the film. Baz Lurhman also uses mis-en-scene to help capture the audience’s attention and establish genres and themes of the film. Shots are often straight and centered to emphasise things clearly e. g. the statue of Jesus in closed into but is shown dwarfed by skyscrapers maybe showing a theme of religion versus business. This is a trend throughout the opening scene helping to classify major themes in the film such as police versus crime and Capulets versus Montagues. The use of news and media in the starting scene highlights how big a scale the feud has. The news and media are used to set the scene and to tell the audience what has happened so far in the film. Newspaper headlines are thrown into view of the camera with text from the original play, this may interest people in different ways gaining attention from them. Another tactic used with the media to gain the audience’s attention is right at the start of the film. The newsreader’s voice begins minimalist and muted but getting louder to focus the audience on language. Whenever text is used in the beginning it is always put in it’s own frame to emphasise importance. Frames of later scenes in the film, which are violent and disturbing, are juxtaposed with shots of e. g. a choirboy in a church singing maybe signifying that innocence is evil, corruption and danger. The majority of shots are filmed at night perhaps Baz Lurhman was being symbolic emphasizing darkness. Fireworks are also caught in one frame symbolizing passion, fury and anger in the plot. When the director is introducing the characters, there is one freeze frame for each character all in time with the music to focus the audience’s attention. Introducing each of the characters and unwinding their lives in the opening scene is helpful to gain the audience’s attention and to keep them interested. The audience is given clues to the current family situation e. g. the skyscrapers at opposite ends of the street with the family names written on them- â€Å"Capulet and Montague† hinting at opposing sides. Also when the voice over is talking about â€Å"two foes† the images of the parents come across the screen. It is shown in the newspapers that the two families are the centre of media attention, leading the audience to understand what extraordinary and special lives they must live. It is also interesting the way Romeo and Juliet are portrayed in the newspaper picture, it is the only real time that you see them properly in the opening scene and they are shown as children. This may be a tactic used by Baz Lurhman to emphasise to the audience how innocent and victimized Romeo and Juliet both are. The only other real time you see Romeo in the opening scene is him hiding and shying away from the outside world, again emphasizing him as a victim of his families feud. The parents of Romeo and Juliet when introduced, all seem to be in the middle of the action yet not included perhaps indicating that the feud has got so out of hand not even the Capulets or Montagues can control the situation. When all the characters are introduced they all seem very solemn and not portraying any emotion. But this isn’t the case for Dave Paris. When he is introduced he is happy, well dressed and purposely made different by Baz Lurhman to make him stand out to look like the hero of the film. Mercutio is also made different when introduced, he is a different race from everyone else indicating his uniqueness as he is showing true emotion at the same time. He is shown on a dry, isolated landscape demonstrating his distant from the involvement of the feud taking place in the city. Another key character in the introduction is the police officer; he is shown involved in the middle of the action, but is wearing a uniform signifying authority and discipline. There is also colour symbolism involved in the characters, Romeo’s mother has red hair, which may be an indication of her personality as people with red hair are said to be more passionate and quick tempered. This is also the case with clothing, the father’s of Romeo and Juliet show no emotion and are dressed normally, but with the mother’s of Romeo and Juliet although they show no emotion on their face but it is portrayed through their clothing. The mother’s clothing tends to be more flamboyant and colourful indicating to the audience distress. Baz Lurhman effectively captures the audience’s attention throughout the opening scene using all these different methods. At one point in the opening scene you are shown an aerial view of the city and I feel that this is an essential scene. After the aerial view of the city is shown a violent, busy, intimidating clip of modern street life within the city is shown demonstrating that the city is complex and dangerous. Even though â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† is four hundred years old, it still relates to modern society.

History 101. Comparing facts and fiction in movies Essay

History 101. Comparing facts and fiction in movies - Essay Example Some of the main differences between the original Greek myth and the film is that based from the Greek myths, Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Hera, Aphrodite and Poseidon all played active roles in the Trojan War. In the movie it did not show the gods as existent or actively intervening. The impetus relationship between Paris and Helen making it catalyst for the entire war called the Judgment of Paris is not mentioned. In the movie, it seemed that the Trojan War only lasted for weeks when in fact it consumed 10 years of endless battles. Like any other historical tales and events such as Samson and Delilah or Cleopatra, the woman may be the cause of a man's demise. And if a man is too weak to resist the seductive advances of a woman, an entire nation can suffer same as what has been shown in the movie Troy. The huge army of the Persian Empire is sweeping across the globe, destroying every force that gets in their way. When Persian envoy arrives in Sparta offering King Leonidas power and control over all of Greece if only he will bow down to the wishes of the Persian King, Xerxes, the strong willed leader summons a small army comprised of his empire's best trained fighters and marches to battle. This act however futile is his way of saying that no Spartan King will bow down to foreign invaders. When King Leonidas together with his 300 Spartan men fell to the overpowering Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae, the courageous actions of the noble fighters inspired all of Greece to defend their empire against their Persian adversary and wage the battle that would eventually give rise to the modern concept of democracy. In the actual Battle of Thermopylae, King Leonidas was joined by forces from other Greek city states having some 4,000 to 7,000 strong men under his command. 300 of those are Spartans being his personal bodyguards which was actually depicted in the movie. In the movie it was said that the downfall of King Leonidas is the betrayal Ephialtes of Trachis but in historical facts it is debated that it could be Onetas and Crydallus. One thing that can be learned from the movie is that no matter the odds, a man should know how to defend his people for the generations to come. In the quest to achieve this, only trusted and well-trained soldiers will ensure victory. Although there is strength in number but even a few but with stronger convictions can ensure success in some sense. References: (1) Pressfield, Steven. Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae. New York: Bantam Books. 2005. GLADIATOR The death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the hands of his murderous and ambitious son, Commodus caused great chaos in the entire Roman Empire. One of the Roman army's capable and trusted generals, General Maximus Decimus Meridius is also the Emperor's key advisor. Even to his death, Aurelius decided to appoint Maximus temporary leadership of the empire and the enraged Commodus. He ordered the execution of Maximus and sends off the Praetorian Guards to murder his wife and son. Maximus escapes his execution but was severely injured. He was then captured and enslaved along the out borders of the Roman Empire. However, Maximus rises through the ranks of the gladiator arena to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Development of Nationalism in East and Southeast Asia Essay

Development of Nationalism in East and Southeast Asia - Essay Example In terms of East and Southeast Asia, critics assert that nationalism is the process that gave rise to different nationalist movements in the region in the twentieth century. The aim and objective of these movements was to rebel against the colonial ideologies of the West.Nationalism is considered to be a process, which develops with respect to time; it does not emerge abruptly or unexpectedly. â€Å"It is not a phenomenon that appears suddenly. It is the result of a process by which a people become conscious of themselves as a separate national entity in the modern world, a process by which they become willing to transfer their primary loyalty from the village, or the region, or the monarch, to the nation-state† It is this perspective, which can be found in East and Southeast Asia. In order to integrate nationalism, several steps and measures have been adopted by the government. These measures include the suppression of opposition, the selection of a mutual language and the co ncentrate on economic growth in order to sustain and maintain liberty. Nationalism and Communism in Southeast Asia is the product of colonisation. The vast majority of the East and Southeast Asian countries were â€Å"controlled either by the British, French, Dutch, Americans or Portuguese, who sought to control unnatural boundaries and had no regard for the natives of those areas† After the end of World War II, majority of the East and Southeast Asian countries declared independence from the Western imperialist. For instance, Indonesian nationalists fought with the Dutch in order to get their independence. Philippine got it independence from United States; Vietnam got its independence from France after the Indochina war. In Vietnam, the French did not have the ability to withstand Vietnamese nationalism and thus, they adopted repressive strategies in order to control it3. Majority of the Vietnamese nationalist’s politic leaders and activists were jailed. Furthermore, opposition from Vietnamese nationalists made the French to remove them from government positions and to create hurdles and obstacles in their education4. Communism is considered to be movement, which concentrates on changing the social and political structure of the society. The change is brought by creating a society in which there is no class difference among the citizens, they can freely access the goods they need and wage labour and private property concepts are disregarded1. Frequently, nationalism and communism have crossed path. For instance, the civil war in China was between these two beliefs, which concentrated on controlling China. The Chinese Civil War started in 1947 and lasted for a period of three years. China was divided into two parts; Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China. The fifties witnessed Communist China, which had gained full control of mainland China4. During the struggle for independence in Vietnam, Vietnamese nationalists fled to China, where they were ignored. However, they provided assistance to them once they realized the advantage of Vietnamese nationalists; they could be used to spy the Japanese military activities in Vietnam. In the year 1945, â€Å"the Emperor Bao Dai abdicated to Ho.   Ho Chi Minh then formed a provisional government with himself as its president and Vietnam declared independence on 2nd of September, in the year 1945†1. During this time, the Americans feared the expansion of communism and thus, provided military

Sunday, October 6, 2019

No Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

No - Essay Example Another way that the employers reduce the cost of health insurance for their employees is by reducing spouse and dependent coverage costs. This way, the employees have to dig deeper into their pockets to cover the family members. Through this ways, employers save a lot of money that they would otherwise have used to cover their employees. The Obama Care if carefully analyzed takes the health insurance cover from the employer based to government based model. Because of the taxation system on employer based insurance package, fewer people will take up the employer based insurance cover. All employees have to be covered under the Act (Niles 377). This means that even those with a low income can access an insurance cover. On the other hand, it means that the employees with higher earnings have to pay more. If I did not have an insurance cover, the Obama Care would be a good option because I now have the chance of accessing an affordable and quality health cover. Labor unions have in America have been instrumental in dealing with fair practices in the employment sector for its members. Despite having come a long way, the labor unions have had their fair share of challenges. There is a general attitude against unionization by the younger generation which makes the unions to lose grip. One of major challenges that the unions are facing is the decline in membership levels. This has seen the rise in part-time employment, less job security, and a rise in the number of the working poor. Another challenge is that the right of workers to gain membership in labor unions for collective bargaining purposes is under attack. The reason for this is the weak labor laws that do not encourage unionization of employees. In response to these challenges the labor movement reaches out to the people of color, women, the young people as well as immigrant workers to strengthen the movement (JIL 4).

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Vladimir Propp and James Bond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Vladimir Propp and James Bond - Essay Example He planned to rob gold from Fort Knox by means of killing the troops of guards that surrounds the area. However, Bond’s step to seduce Galore makes a dramatic change to his plan and forces him to escape during the battle of his men and of the army in Fort Knox. He manages to get away by disguising as a military officer. Later, he plans to escape to Cuba but died in an encounter with Bond as he fires his pistol against the window’s glass that makes him sucked out of the plane’s window. Oddjob (Harold Sakata)-the quiet henchman of Goldfinger that killed Jill and Tilly Masterson. He wears a top hat with blades that he uses as a weapon. He died in a fight against James Bond in the vault in Fort Knox as he attempts to get his hat stuck in a metal. Bond grab a live electric wire and touch it to the metal causing electric shock that kills Oddjob. Pussy Galore (Honor Blackman)-Goldfinger’s sexy pilot. She has the responsibility together with the squadron of girl pilots to spray nerve gas in the surrounding area of Fort Knox. However, Bond seduces her and manages to convince her to spray a harmless alternative instead of nerve gas. At the end she survived the plane crash, parachuting out of the plane together with Bond as Goldfinger is being sucked out of the plane. Jill Masterson (Shirley Eaton)-A girl that monitors Goldfinger opponent’s card and gets distracted with James Bond, causing her to betray Goldfinger. She develops an affair with Bond but later meets her death in the hands of Oddman (Goldfinger’s henchman). Her whole body is painted with gold and died in suffocation. Tilly Masterson (Tania Mallet)-Jill Masterson’s sister that tries to shoot Goldfinger. Bond stops her and started their chase. She does not match with Bond’s hi-tech car and makes her obliged to ride Bond’s. She died as she tries to shoot Goldfinger when she breaks in