Thursday, December 26, 2019

Cuba And Its Effects On The World - 1328 Words

With nearly 5,000 square kilometers of reef area, Cuba’s coral reefs are considered among the most preserved and successfully managed coral reefs in the world. In a 2008 study by Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, Cuba was among the few Caribbean nations with over 30% coral cover. Three quarters of the Caribbean nations showed coral degradation of at least 50% from the average coral cover before 1984, making Cuba’s record of environmental protection particularly impressive. It’s clear that as president Castro has tried to make Cuba’s environmental objectives a priority. In a speech at the United Nation’s Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, Fidel Castro stated that in spite of facing the worst economic crisis since the Revolution of 1959, Cuba would not give up environmental protection and reform for unregulated economic development. Over the years following the Rio Summit, Cuba implemented an array of environmenta l laws and policies that aimed to bring the nation down a path of sustainable resource management, while still attempting to grow economically. To directly address Cuban coastal ecosystems, a new law was created in 2012 on Coastal Zone Management that implemented strict zoning laws along Cuba’s coastline to prevent further damage from a variety of activities including tourism, waste treatment, fishing, and other recreational water sports. The law defines two types of zones: the coastal zone and the zone of protection. BothShow MoreRelatedShould the U.S. Government Drop Its Sanctions against Cuba?1676 Words   |  7 Pages After the Second World War sanctions emerge as a major foreign policy instruments of the powerful nations. Globalization engendered the denunciation of the brute use of force as a primary method of international coercion. 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He startedRead MoreCuban-Russian Relations1710 Words   |  7 Pagesrelationship dating back to before Fidel Castro’s installment into power, Russia and Cuba have both played major roles in the development and regression of each other’s economies and societies. The first official diplomatic relationship between the Soviet Union and Cuba began developing during World War II, in 1943. With the establishment of the first Soviet embassy by Maxim Litvinov, stationed in Havana, Cuba; this was after Cuba gained its independence from the United States in 1902 and the Russian RevolutionRead MoreThe Crisis Of The United States1271 Words   |  6 Pagesmisery to hope† (Annan). In our world today, literacy has become an imperative driving force in determining the level of success and adaptability of a child to a nation. It is a step in the right direction towards tapping into the endless opportunities and potentials that lay beneath the surface. And research has it that a country economic standing relies heavily on its literacy rate and vice versa, but one country that has proved that wrong is Cuba. Although Cuba currently holds a reputable globalRead MoreCuban Missile Impact On The World Of The Cold War902 Words   |  4 PagesMissile Crisis e nd in the world devastation? According to, nuclear war is â€Å"war in which nuclear weapons are used by both sides. As generally used, the term assumes major use of nuclear weapons by at least two opposing warring states.† The invasion of Cuba by United States caused by the alliances between Cuba and the Soviet Union brought conflict between those countries. The United State tried to avoid communism from spreading. The Soviet Union supported Cuba with weapons to defend

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Censorship, Necessary or Not Essay - 646 Words

Censorship, Necessary or Not In Plato’s Republic, he tries to develop a utopia for mankind. He utilizes conversation amongst people within in his book as a vehicle for larger and more serious topics to be discussed. One of the most important propositions made in these discussions is when Socrates and Glaucon are deliberating on the issue of censorship and its necessity in the beginning of â€Å"Book III.† Plato leads me to believe that censorship is a necessary evil that must exist to protect the city as a whole. The question arises when addressing this subject matter; does society need censorship to rise to its full potential? Plato seems to think yes, but for me the jury is still out. â€Å"Book III† of the Republic begins by†¦show more content†¦Hitler comes to mind and his development of youth camps. Hitler burned books and brainwashed people for the sake of the state rather then their intellectual well being. Censorship also exists in the United States today, even thoug h we are a society based on freedom of speech. There are people in this nation who try to get books banned from high school curriculums everyday because they feel it is the wrong opinion or information for today’s youth to have. Do I believe they are in the right? To be perfectly honest I think that the deterioration of society can be attributed to those who attempt to restrict free thought. Plato may be right in saying that the easiest method of altering people’s beliefs is to restrict them but it decreases the intelligence of the society it trying to create. Plato also states that warriors â€Å"mustn’t be lovers laughter (388e5).† What kind of society is that? Laughter and merriment is what makes life worth living. You can sensor peoples thoughts if you feel you must, but when you take away the things in life that you enjoy life loses its meaning. Warriors are needed in every society, but that doesn’t mean that a society won’t hav e warriors if it allows people to think on their own and permits laughter. I personally believe that while in theory Plato’s ideas on censorship will work, but they will also ruin what is sacred about life. People should be treated as intelligent beings and they deserve to read andShow MoreRelatedHow Censorship Is Necessary Or Harmful?2561 Words   |  11 Pages A. Introduction Censorship is a program that has limitations on quite a number of things online. There has always been a sense of divergence with internet users on whether or not censorship is necessary or actually needed. Everyone has their own beliefs. A number of people believe that some things must be censored, while others thinks that everyone must have the freedom to watch anything they wants or search any of the information they want. B. i) Internet growth and evaluation When you come toRead More Internet Censorship Isnt Necessary Essay1283 Words   |  6 PagesInternet Censorship Isnt Necessary    Fear of chaos cannot justify unwarranted censorship of free speech (Quittner). This quotation came from a speech made by Vice President Al Gore, who was addressing the graduating class of 1996 from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This quotation expresses his viewpoint on this subject of censorship. Censorship has always been an issue in the world. What exactly is censorship? A censor is one who is authorized to examine books, films, orRead More Television and Media - Censorship of TV Violence Not Necessary877 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship of TV Violence Not Necessary    Censorship of televised media often begins as a result of the concern many adults show over what their children watch. 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Today the trend of censorship continues as popular novels such as The Hunger Games, The Fault in Our Stars, and Captain Underpants are censored from schools across the nation (Challenges by Reason).Censorship in regardsRead MoreAnalytical Essay On Fahrenheit 4511044 Words   |  5 PagesSuppressing ideas and marginalizing humans is destructive. Censorship leads the society to an unpleasant conclusion. Censorship amounts prohibition of expression of someone’s ideas, thoughts which may be detrimental and prejudicial to a particular class of people. The book Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, revolves around the idea of censorship as a bane to the society and culture. The book touches on various consequences of censorship like social isolation and infringement of thoughts. BradburyRead MoreCensorship Online1041 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay talks about issues regarding Censorship of the Internet. According to the textbook, censorship is a way used by governments or religious institutions to supervise or regulate the public access to offensive or harmful materials (Quinn 2012, p.496). Internet censorship applies the same discipline which regulates the public access to harmful content on internet. Nowadays, internet is a place with huge potential for growth. Statistics suggest that the total growth of new internet users isRead MoreCensorship And Its Effects On Society Essay1341 Words   |  6 Pageswork in comparison to something I am passionate about. Some people argue that censorship is important to both writers and readers and benefit them both. I believe that censorship can hinder a writer’s progress in literature and may not benefit the reader because not everyone thinks nor reacts the same. Censorship is not helpful to everyone and it can be argued that it is not only unnecessary, but harmful to others. Censorship among readers does more harm than good, in certain cases. It will not stimulateRead MoreCensorship of Electronic Communication Systems1158 Words   |  5 PagesCENSORSHIP OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Introduction. Communication system of society is changing rapidly with the time. In ancient ages people use to communicate with shouting. If people are much more apart from one another the letter writing was the only means of communication just before 500 years. Due to rapid development of science, now a days a message can be passed to millions of people who all are scattered in whole world by a simple electronic communication system. Due to electronicRead More Media Censorship Essay examples662 Words   |  3 PagesMedia Censorship Today there is much controversy over whether there should or shouldn’t be censorship of the media. Censorship should not be imposed on citizens by the government or other agencies; adults have a right to view or listen to what they choose. Additionally, if children’s media is censored, parents are the ones who should monitor and regulate it. Parents should be the ones to monitor children’s viewing of television and also what they hear on the radio, CD’s, and tapes. CensorshipRead MoreThe Effect Censorship has on Art Essay examples943 Words   |  4 PagesThough out history artist have rejected any forms of censorship. Governments have had to enforce censorship laws for the sake of public safety. As well, as to maintain control of society and to uphold the moral and ethical values that the populous demands. Whether you are for or against censorship in art, it serves a useful purpose in moderation, but it can be taken to extremes. Whether it’s a fascist government or a extremist religious organization it is easy for a controversial law to be twisted

Monday, December 9, 2019

Comparative Issues in International Management †Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Comparative Issues In International Management? Answer: Introduction The Indian market if diversely affected by the eating habits of the people affected by their religious beliefs. Hinduism is widespread over India, and their religion does not allow them to consume cow meat as they view a cow to be sacred. Therefore, meat is not widely sold in like all restaurants in India due to religious restriction. Islam is also a highly followed religion, and Islam religion does not allow consumption of pork meat. Another common religion is Jainism. Followers of Jainism therefore mostly consume vegetables purely. For a company to be able to sustain itself in the Indian market, then it should, therefore, have to put into considerations the Indians' eating habits and their religious culture. McDonalds and KFC, therefore, had to avoid adding any beef or pork in all their products which have been proved to be high selling in western countries which is a total contrast to India. McDonald's, therefore, shifted to adding chicken to their menu. McDonald's also introduced vegetarian menu for the Jainism and those whole love vegetables, and this as proved to be working for McDonald's restaurant operating widely in all cities in India. Multinational cooperation operating in India and other countries largely depends on the heterogeneous group of workers that play a very critical part in every stage of the working process in any company. To cater for different customer demand, the heterogamous is very important since they create opportunities and challenges to an organization (Adler, 2002), this help in the understanding management of the organization indoor to ensure maximum efficiency from the members. Diverse groups at workplace create conflicts (Pelled, 1999). This conflict is as a result of misunderstanding and grouping themselves within their cultural boundaries and social class. According to Caldwell in a diverse group, communication is more difficult (Ancona and Caldwell, 1992). The communication is not flowing since it stops at one point due to cultural barriers. Also, cohesion between the groups reduces within time. Cross- cultural usually creates predictable attitude change. Multinational mostly prefer a cosmopolitan ethic or country (Watson, 1957). Globalization has a positive influence in the workplace by causing behavior changes, team arrangement and set dynamics as the organization is working with the majority of diverse workers (Dong and Luis, 2010). Understanding the ability in networking with different cultures is the key device for the success of the organization (Thomas and Inkson, 2004). In todays workforce market managers with high cross cultural are on high demand (Dong and Liu, 2010). In this study we focus on two multinational companies in India; KFC and McDonald cooperation. KFC is the leading chicken meat seller. It operates almost worldwide both in developed and developing countries. Other than being globalized, India has encouraged investors from international companies to invest in her economy through reducing taxes. Globalization has made international trade easy through the elimination of some barriers to trade and also reducing any threat that may be involved. For a long time, international companies have been performing poorly in the Indian market since investors have not been aware of the Indian culture. The poor performance has made them run away leading to collapse of these industries. The most important and key issue is to understand the consumer behavior of the people. It plays a crucial part in the fried chicken meat production since it determines the availability of market. Background of KFC KFC, on the other hand, was established in 1930 by Harland Sanders. Sanders used to cook and serve food to travelers at the Corbin service station in the US. He mostly served fried chicken with other delicacies the chicken delicacies started gaining interest to a lot of people, and it became popular with time. With time he improved his service delivery and opened a Motel earlier named as Sander Court. He perfected the act of preparing chicken and this time adding other spices and herbs. In 1952, he started franchising the unique product. He traveled by car going to every restaurant and teaching them how to prepare the chicken. He had to sign an agreement where he gets a nickel for every plate sold. With time in 1964, he managed to franchise around 600 outlets (Gardberg Fombrun, 2009). Scope of the study Our study focus will mostly be limited to India and its environments, together with cities surrounding the Indian market and people whose culture is mostly related to Hinduism, Islam, and Jainism. We also focused on Indian towns such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Hennai, Pune, Kolkata, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Surat, Kanpur and Guru Gram among others. KFC in India Fast food companies like KFC and McDonalds were allowed into India in 1990 brought about by the Governments Liberalization policy. KFC owned by PEPSICO.KFC was the first to step on the Indian soil and opened up about 30 branched in India. The first launch was done in Bangalore which became the target due to the status of the population residing in the area as middle-class people. Problems Faced by KFC in India National problems Laws In place Just like any other given nation, India has its rules and regulations that are in place to make sure that sanity in the business world is maintained. KFC is no a local company as far as India is concerned; it is an American company that decided to spread its wings to India. Therefore, the company ought to have gone through numerous processes before being embraced. When one sets up a business in India, he or she must go through some laws as opposed to other nations where only one law is used to govern the foreign investors (Ciochetto, 2004). Regional differences India is one of the nations that have a big gap between the rich and the poor as well as differences between regions. Such is a challenge that KFC has to go through in its daily activities. It is important to know that the stability of a nation has an effect on the businesses in the nation. Putting into consideration that parts of the nation have people who are poor, it becomes difficult for KFC to establish businesses in such regions (Collings et al. 2007). On the other hand, putting into consideration that some regions are developed than the others, setting up businesses in such regions might prove to be difficult. The reason behind is because KFC needs infrastructure and a conducive working environment. If such is not guaranteed, working in such regions proves to be difficult. High real estate prices High real estate prices have affected the establishment of businesses in India for many years. Before setting up a business, one must deal with the issue of looking for a physical location. Such does not come without one having to part with some amount of money. KFC is just but one of the many organizations that have faced the problem. The high population in India makes the land a scarce resource and in business, when a product is on demand, its price increases by a big percentage (Ciochetto, 2004). It would not be true to say that there are no KFC customers in India, but KFC must spend more on ensuring that it has a physical location where it will be serving its clients from. Customers purchasing power The power of purchasing in any given nation has an effect on the performance of the organizations in the respective areas. Such a problem might have an effect on the individuals in the nation, but it is a national problem. There are different reasons why is it a national problem. Most national problems are influenced by the governments in place. If the government has the capability of creating more jobs for the citizens, it becomes easy for the citizens to be able to purchase goods and services of their choice (Collings et al. 2007). In India, there are specific regions that KFC cannot establish its business. This is because people in the area cannot afford to buy from KFC and that limits the organization to spread its business to different parts of the country. Cultural problems Beliefs In India, beliefs are part and parcel of the residents. The Indians believe in numerous gods, and the gods have an influence on what they eat. For example, most of the Indians do not take beef. The reason behind it is because they consider a cow a sacred animal and eating it is going against the will of their gods. With that in mind, any business that is established in India deals with the products of a cow must be ready to suffer losses. Putting into consideration that KFC also sells fried steak, it becomes difficult for the company to sell the product in India because it is not likely to be bought by the residents. Therefore, such is a factor that is motivated by the beliefs of the customers which affects the business of KFC in India. Eating habits Indians are preserved people, and they live in big families. An Indian at home can prepare food from home and transport it to relatives at work. The eating habits of the Westerners are not the same as those of the Indians. The Indians are very careful with what they eat. At the same time, the way they prepare their meals is very different. One might be seeing an India enjoying his or her meal, just to put the same food in the mouth to find out that is full of pepper; Indians enjoy it that way. Therefore, there is a challenge of adapting the eating habits and the types of meals that the Indians love the most. How KFC has been able to overcome the problems/challenges Research and observations Without any doubt, India is a nation that has a market that is in demand of foods and beverages. However, such cannot be realized if an organization does not work hard to know more about the customers. KFC does not just start a business; it invests enough resources to research. It is through research of what customers want that KFC has been able to overcome all the challenges that it has faced in India. Observation is also a key to the success of KFC (Patwardhan Bardhan, 2014). In its daily activities, KFC makes sure that it observes how the customers react to some of its products. It is important for any given organization to read the psychology of the customers. It is only by doing so that the organization can know what is good for the customers and what is not. By observing the behaviors and reactions of the customers, KFC can know the best strategies to implement so as to meet the needs of the customers. Embracing diversity KFC being an organization that has its roots in the United States must make sure that it identifies the best ways of embracing the people in India. As far as that is concerned, the company has been doing okay, and that has an effect on the operations of the company. By embracing the diversity in India (Lattermann et al. 2009), KFC has been able to manage its restaurants and at the same time work harmoniously with the residents. Listening to customers At KFC, the response of the customer matters. The company is aware that it is in a region where there are people who know more about the region and the residents. It is for this reason that the company takes seriously what the customers have to say about its products. Such has helped the company in different ways. One of the ways is to make the customers feel appreciated thus enhancing brand loyalty (McDonald Wilson, 2011). When the customers are listed, they feel as part and parcel of the bigger organization. Such makes they want to be helpful and supportive to the organization. As a result, KFC can overcome the challenges that it has been facing. Only selling what is embraced by the customers The Indian food market is different from the American food market. The reason behind it is because of the different eating habits as well as the beliefs of the Indian people. Selling everything that KFC sells in other regions has an effect on the business because some of the food end up being wasted because they cannot be eaten in India. To make sure that KFC does not incur losses, the management makes sure that only the food that is embraced in India is available in the restaurants and that plays a big role in overcoming the challenges in place (Sheth, 2011). Recommendation KFC has to ensure their product meets high standards valued by the Indians so as to dominate and gain respect in her market. Their names and symbols do not guarantee dominance in India market since Indians takes business with lot seriousness. This makes their mode of purchasing and culture very different from other people. For this reason, these companies have to substitute their labeling and improve their strategies on production so as to dominate in India market. Listen to Customer Customers are the key variables for a business to develop. Hence, it is very crucial to listen to them to learn their wants and meet their demands. Listening enables a company to improve on value and quantity of their product hence attracting more customers. Making a customer feel comfortable and valued in a business always ensures they come back for more goods and services. Therefore, it is importance to listen to customers' remarks and make the necessary modifications to products and services. Public Relations The most important thing is communication. Multinational companies like KFC need to communicate to its constituents; public and government. They have to hold frequent, open and honest communication to come up with ways to solve issues in a manner which is recognized and resolved. Indian society always appreciates the honest and open approach. Communication is the best way for consumers to learn and understand the company and their products and services. An effective public relation is equivalent to efficient promotion, which results in the customers to purchase products and services. According to Smith a persons behavior and cultural values usually affect a business and its managerial behavior (Smith et al., 2002). Thus, communicating with customers is imperative as related to morals and cultural position. Failing to relate and communicate with the public means that the company will not be noticed, their product will not be known, and they will not get the information on where improv e on their products. Relationship with the government The India government is no transparency in the way it schemes their operations. Therefore, KFC has to ensure that there is a close relationship with the government through participating in it charities and government financed developments such as schools, hospitals, and construction of roads. Indian government and people always appreciate effort towards the growth and development of their country. India is a country trusts in qualitative basis compared to quantifiable basis (Lothar Katz, 2008). Hence keeping a close relationship with the government is imperative as it enables a company to creates and apply a well-established commercial network in India. Presenting market promotions Use of media is the main method of communication used by companies to publicize their products and services in India. The publication makes the public aware of the products hence increasing sales since Indians purchases a commodity which they are fully aware of it information. Also, they usually like to know more about the product and service offered by the company that produces those commodities. Managing Strategy Management methods that are effective in most cases determine the quality of administration given to a company. Most international firms have different supervision methods and managerial culture. For this reason, it is always good to come up with the management system that is conversant with a state's culture and standard (Thite et al. 2017). Use of a foreign management system in India can lead to domestic violence among workers hence using a known management system promote quality and productivity among the employees. It also ensures the company's future growth. Employees will also feel their need are considered and protected by the managing directors. Suggestions Various managing systems can be used depending on the culture of a firm, people way of life, type of workforce, ability of the manager and the nature of the work being done. Management style depends on the country of choice, and it is important to understand the style used in a given Management varies from one another depending on the kind of company and its daily task. Thus it is crucial to learn the company's work and the type of task it conducts to come up with the best management style. It is the work of the managers to cooperate with their workers so as to improve the management systems which in result improves the productivity of the company (Elenkov, 2005). India is a country whereby people value a lot about their culture. Indians are too slow in adapting to new and sudden changes, and they rather stick to their traditional styles of doing things. India is a country where they respect and follow their culture to the latter. Consequently, proper consideration should be initiated for future orientation (Geert Hofstede, 2001). Companies wishing to invest in India should focus on price and quality. This is because Indians consider the value to most of the quality products and services. They usually prefer quality products at the low price rather than quantity. The companies wishing to operate in India have to consider quality products rather than quantity. In the commercial operation, it is not only the matter of protection in the present situation to encourage a stable success but also the need to put in mind emerging market designs since market nature changes with new operators. The above recommendations are to be considered for any company intending to enter Indian market or any other country that has cross culture. For a company to coordinate trade efficiently, it has to solve the above problems, particularly when operating in foreign origin. They have to consider these critical points for them to be successful. Forecast and Predictions India cooperation has achieved a good image for the past years giving them a good chance to dominate the Indian market. This will be made possible because Indians are the once that give more importance to quality and trust of all brands image enabling them to dominate the market in India. They can get good customer base as Indian's population is very high. Apart from this, India customers comprise of a high number of young people who are adopting the new social standards and supporting westernization. As a result of globalization, many international companies have come to the Indian market and Indians have cooperated with them. The likes of KFC and McDonald's which still have large potential and opportunities in the country, Fast foods, chicken, and snacks have increased which is the greatest opportunity to McDonald and KFC to make good stands in an Indian market. Conclusion KFC has established itself in India; the utmost evident aspect is these companies is not following and bearing in mind the communal, traditional trend and traits. Culture is the most significant aspect which the companies should keep in mind for more development. Apart from this the other key disadvantage which multinational cooperation are facing is either working against the environment or is abusing the environment. Therefore farmers are facing many problems with their farms as a result of pollution from these companies. Because of these externalities, much multinational cooperation such as KFC is facing difficulties in countries like India. Moreover, those living along these companies face a lot of challenging ranging from noise to air pollution. From the above-discussed ideas, recommendations, and analysis, one can conclude that the way of life among Indian communities is the firm encouraging development of industries in India, but these companies are polluting the environment raising conflicts between the state and it citizens. Therefore, these companies should come up with committed corporate communal workers to monitor the performance of those allocated with environmental duties to ensure that they perform their duties of protecting the environment. Taking part in these environmental duties has enabled KFC to dominate the Indian market. Reference Aiyer, A. (2007). 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A multinational comparison of key ethical issues helps and challenges in the purchasing and supply management profession: the key implications for business and the professions. Journal of Business Ethics, 83-100. De Mooij, M. (2013). Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Gardberg, N. A., Fombrun, C. J. (2006). Corporate Citizenship: Creating Intangible assets across institutional environments. Academy of Management Review, 31(2), 329-346. La Ferle, C., Kuber, G., Edwards, S. M. (2013). Factors impacting responses to cause-related marketing in India and the United States: Novelty, altruistic motives, and company origin. Journal of Business Research, 66(3), 364-373. McDonald, M., Wilson, H. (2011). Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to use them. John Wiley Sons. Patwardhan, P., Bardhan, N. (2014). Worlds apart or a part of the world? Public relations issues and challenges in India. Public Relations Review, 40(3), 408-419. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Pips benefactor Essay Example

Pips benefactor Paper The convict has to treat Pip badly and frighten him because the convict is on the run and if he is caught he will be sentenced to death, therefore the convict has to be careful with Pip. If Pip is scared he will do as the convict tells him.  It is important for Dickens to start the novel with such a climatic and tension filled start, so that he grabs the readers attention. Pip supplies the convict with food in reward for friendship later on, hence the convict being Pips benefactor. I think that Dickens uses the supplying allegorically; Dickens supplies us with a climatic and tension full start in return for our attention and understanding of the message he was trying to get across. Which was: if you were rich you got treated well, if you werent then you didnt get treated well.  To mark the convicts second arrival the weather returns to cold, dark and stormy which re-suggests the imagery and pathetic fallacy of the first appearance. We think back to the churchyard and the horror genre, as we do not know that the convict has changed. Pip is startled to see the convict (at first he doesnt even recognise him because it has been such a long time since they first encountered one-another). Pip is happy for the convicts new life but wonders why he has come to visit him from Australia without any notice. Then it becomes apparent; the convict is Pips benefactor, much to Pips disappointment. Pip was so sure that Miss Havisham was his benefactor; All the truth of my position came flashing on me; and its disappointments, dangers, disgraces, consequences of all kinds, rushed in such a multitude that I was borne down by them and had to struggle for every breathe I drew. This was such a blow to Pip because he hoped that if Miss Havisham was his benefactor so that he could marry Estella. Pip talks to the convict in a negative way at first; Stay! said I, Keep off! If you are grateful to me for I did when I was a little child, I hope you have shown your gratitude by mending your way of life-thats like Pip saying nice of you to come but bye, go. Pips attitude of the convict quickly changes; they become great friends. We will write a custom essay sample on Pips benefactor specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pips benefactor specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pips benefactor specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I think that Dickens brings the convict back into the novel now because Pip and us have been led to believe that Miss Havisham was Pips benefactor because Estella has come back into Pips life and it fits concurrently.  This also creates tension; How will Pips relationship with the convict change, or will it? How will Pips relationship with Miss Havisham change, or will it? How will Pips relationship with Estella change, or will it? Pip becomes annoyed with Miss Havisham because she led him to believe that she was his benefactor but she doesnt care about her wrong doings because she wanted to break as many male hearts as possible, this was because her husband-to-be stood her up on the day of their wedding. After Pips shock of the convict being his benefactor they become great friends, almost like father and son, this friendship last until the convicts death; he had spoken his last words. The convict stays with Pip and the book until the convict dies but the scene where the convict gets sentenced is dark, dull and scary. The sun was striking in at the great windows of the court, through the glittering drops of rain upon the glass, and it made a broad shaft of light between the two-and-thirty and the judgedown to the drops of April rain on the window of the court, glittering in the rays of April sun all of this is describing the scene in which the convicts trial takes place. But it is also describing the convicts feelings using pathetic fallacy; the rain represents the convicts sadness, as he knows that he going to be sentenced to death. The sun symbolises the convicts happiness; he is pleased that he has changed his way of life and that he made Pips life a better one. The description of the weather is also a metaphor of what is happening to the convict; the rain is telling us that the convict is being judged and the sun tells us that Dickens considered the convict to be a good person and doesnt deserve to be sentenced to death. Where it says and others were chewing the fragments of herb they had taken from the sweet herbs lying about, we get the idea that the people sentenced to death wanted one last taste of sweet life before dying as their remaining time before being hung would be sour.  While the audience got up (putting their dresses right, as they might at church or elsewhere) we get the idea that as these poor people were getting sentenced to death the rich people would watch as if it were some type of show or something. This ties in with the point that Dickens was making, poor people were treated dishonourably, the way that all the two-and-thirty were all crammed into one room also supports Dickens point because if you were rich and getting sentenced you were sentenced by yourself.  Also with Dickens idea of the legal system being iniquitous the judge doesnt take into account that the convict has changed, he has helped Pip quite significantly, the convict made Pip a gentleman. The convict was now living a good life but this new lifestyle was ignored by the court due to his background.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Successful Step Forward in the Educational Process

A Successful Step Forward in the Educational Process No Child Left Behind is one of the main principles of the educational system of the United States. It is very important to have determined well-organized principles and methods of studying for students to be more successful in achieving academic grades.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Successful Step Forward in the Educational Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It was a big step forward to create such program where all students would be chanced to get a better quality of education with the personal approach to each student. It goes without saying that the surest way to discredit public schools is not to leave any child behind. I think it is the most crucial transformation in the American educational system over the past decade. The federal funding for schools has been increased and the standard of teaching improved which resulted in the higher level of students’ knowledge recorded by the nationwide sta ndardized test. One of the main advantages of this program is that parents have a right to choose a public school for their children. It is comfortable both for parents and schools in particular as children are allotted to the classes according to their abilities and the level of knowledge. Since the level of success is judged by the level of students’ academic performance, it is important to provide all the necessary means and conditions for the students to have the best grades. The disadvantages of NCLB program is that it has not been worked out for those who have health problems and measured abilities and can not study in public schools. I think the program would be more precious if it is created for such people as they are in need more than any other students. One more disadvantage is that government of the United States can not allocate enough money to support all ideas of the program which slows down the process and further development of the program. Nevertheless, acco rding to the data, the achieved result can already be called successful comparing to the level of performance over the past years. As for me, I think this program is effective enough as a lot of opportunities have been given to those who could not afford a good level of education. However, as it was already said, it makes government spend a good amount of money to satisfy all needs.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Actually, talking about the real necessity of such program, it is possible to note that presently, the government of the United States wants to repeal the educational act NCLB. Thinking about this issue more carefully and from the general point of view, the program resulted in increasing the students’ education thanks to the lowering of learning standards. Children were thoroughly taught and tested by public schools. I think it is quite a big disadvantage. A ctually, both public and private schools can choose the educational standards and think about the best ways to increase the level of education of each student in particular. Presently, public schools just lose state funding in case some purposes can not be fulfilled as it is very costly for the government. Education is one of the main parts of a human’s life so a lot of attention both from the government and people’s side should be paid to it. The program No Child Left Behind is in its active development providing a number of measures and ways to increase the accountability of the states and schools for the students’ academic achievements. I think it is a nice opportunity for the teachers to improve their qualification and professional development as well as for parents to be provided with corresponding opportunities of making a choice and getting information. Moreover, one of the goals set by the program at the very beginning has been achieved: the gaps between advantaged and disadvantage students were successfully fulfilled and the general quality of education improved.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Conjugate the French Verb Entendre (to understand)

Conjugate the French Verb Entendre (to understand) Entendre  is a  regular -re verb  that follows distinct, predictable conjugation patterns. All -er  verbs share the same conjugation  patterns in all tenses and moods. Generally speaking, there are five major categories of verbs in French: regular -er, -ir, -re; stem-changing; and irregular. The smallest category of regular French verbs is  -re verbs. Entendre  Is a Regular er Verb To use  -re verbs, remove the  -re ending from the infinitive, and youre left with the stem.  Conjugate the verb by adding the -re endings shown in the table below to the verb stem. The same applies to entendre. Note that the conjugation table below includes only simple conjugations. It does not include compound conjugations, which consist  of a form of the auxiliary verb avoir and the past participle entendu. The Most Common -er Verbs These  are the most common regular -re verbs: attendre  Ã‚  to wait (for)dà ©fendre  Ã‚  to defenddescendre  Ã‚  to descendentendre  Ã‚  to hearà ©tendre  Ã‚  to stretchfondre  Ã‚  to meltpendre  Ã‚  to hang, suspendperdre  Ã‚  to loseprà ©tendre  Ã‚  to claimrendre  Ã‚  to give back, returnrà ©pandre  Ã‚  to spread, scatterrà ©pondre  Ã‚  to answervendre  Ã‚  to sell Entendre:  Meanings   The most common meaning of the French verb  entendre  is to hear, but it can also mean:   to listen toto intend (to do something)to meanto understand (formal) In the pronominal form, sentendre  means: reflexive: to hear oneself (speak, think)reciprocal: to agree, to get alongidiomatic: to be heard/audible, to be used Entendre: Expressions   Entendre is used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to hear about, intend to, attend mass and more with expressions using  entendre. entendre parler de... to hear (someone talking) about...  entendre dire que...  Ã‚  to hear (it said) that...entendre la messe   to hear / attend massentendre raison   to listen to reasonentendre mal (de loreille gauche/droite)  Ã‚  to not hear well (with ones left/right ear)entendre les tà ©moins  (law)  Ã‚  to hear the witnesses lentendre,   tentendre,   vous entendre   to hear him/her talk, to hear you talk qui veut entendre   to anyone who will listendonner entendre ( quelquun) que...   to give (someone) to understand / the impression that...faire entendre raison   to make someone see sense / reasonfaire entendre sa voix   to make oneself heardfaire entendre un son   to make a soundse faire entendre (dans un dà ©bat)   to make oneself heard (in a debate)laisser entendre ( quelquun) que...     to give (someone) to understand / the impression that...Ce quil faut entendre tout de mà ªme  ! (informal)   The things people say!Entendez-vous par l que... ?   Do you mean / Are you trying to say that... ? Faites comme vous lentendez.   Do what  you think is best.Il / Elle nentend pas la plaisanterie. (old-fashioned)   He / She cant take a joke.Il / Elle nentend rien ...   He / She doesnt know the first thing about...Il / Elle ne lentend pas de cette oreille.   He / She wont accept that.Il / Elle ne veut rien entendre.   He / She just wont listen, doesnt want to hear itIl / Elle ny entend pas malice.   He / She means no harm by it.Il / Elle va mentendre !   Im going to give him / her a piece of my mind!Jai dà ©j entendu pire !   Ive heard worse!Je nentends pas cà ©der.   I have no intention of giving in.Je vous entends.   I understand, I see what you mean.On entendrait voler une mouche.   You could hear a pin drop.Quentendez-vous par l ?   What do you mean by that?  Quest-ce que jetends ?   What did you say? Did I hear you correctly?... tu entends !   ... you hear me?!sentendre (faire quelque chose)  (formal)   to be very good at (doing something) sentendre merveille   to get along very well sentendre comme larrons en foire   to be thick as thieves (to be very close, get along extremely well)sy entendre pour (faire quelque chose)   to be very good at (doing something)cela sentend   naturally, of courseEntendons-nous bien.   Lets be very clear about this.Il faudrait sentendre !   Make up your mind!Je my entends ! Il sy entend  ! etc.   I know what Im doing! He knows what hes doing!Tu ne tentends pas !   You dont know what youre saying! Simple Conjugations of the Regular French -re Verb Entendre Present Future Imperfect Present participle j entends entendrai entendais entendant tu entends entendras entendais il entend entendra entendait nous entendons entendrons entendions vous entendez entendrez entendiez ils entendent entendront entendaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle entendu Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive j entende entendrais entendis entendisse tu entendes entendrais entendis entendisses il entende entendrait entendit entendt nous entendions entendrions entendmes entendissions vous entendiez entendriez entendtes entendissiez ils entendent entendraient entendirent entendissent Imperative (tu) entends (nous) entendons (vous) entendez

Thursday, November 21, 2019

David Orton PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

David Orton PLC - Essay Example In order to understand the challenges that Costwise employees have to face since the merger of their organization with Ortons it is necessary to refer primarily to the main events followed the above merger, meaning the events that are likely to affect the employee relationships across the organization: before the merger both firms, Ortons and Costwise have been quite powerful in the British retail industry. However, the two firms had a different culture, as reflected in their strategic priorities: for Ortons, keeping its prices at a rather high level, ensuring the quality of its products, and increasing the number of its larger stores have been the most important elements of the firm’s strategy. In opposition, the stores of Costwise were of various sizes; developing an effective communication with customers has been more important in Costwise instead of increasing the number of profits. Moreover, the level of compensation in Costwise has been lower than that of Ortons, a fact that has not negatively affected the performance of employee in Costwise. After the merger, when the differences between the two organizations revealed, employees in the two firms have been asked to cooperate for promoting the plans of the organization resulted by the merger, the David Orton plc. However, inequalities in compensation and in the participation of employees in the firm’s decision-making process led employees in Costwise at a lower position compared to their counterparts in Ortons.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Parenting isnt for everyone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Parenting isnt for everyone - Research Paper Example Good parenting provides the children with values, morals, ideas and attitudes; while, there is also bad parenting that tends to ruin their whole personalities. To grow into responsible citizens, children want security and affection which is only provided by those parents who are actually willing to be parents and do the tough job of raising kids. Parenting is the process that requires the most patience that one can have because kids are not understanding by nature, and it is a very tactful job to handle them by making them understand little issues. This is why it is believed that everybody does not have what it takes to handle the pressures of raising children, which can lead some to choosing other options. In order to give the reader an idea why parenting is not a favorable choice made by many parents, it is important to discuss first what the pressures of raising children actually are that lead parents to go for other options rather than parenting. The biggest pressure for the parents is that they have to devote themselves whole heartedly to their children. They have to make their life schedules flexible enough to work with their children’s routine. In an intention to fit everything into their busy lives, they start directing their children instead of dealing with them, and this robes them of their personalities, which increases their dependency on their parents. This leaves the parents more stressed out. Parents have to work hard to make both ends meet especially when there is more than one child. They have to cater to their children’s physical and emotional demands no matter how much tired they may be. They have to sacrifice their sleep. They have to plan out their va cations according to children’s comfort. They have to think about providing proper accommodation to the children. Having children puts a hurdle to one’s freedom and increases

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What I Would Change About the World Essay Example for Free

What I Would Change About the World Essay If I had the power to change three things in this world they would have to be: I would change who ran our country, I would stop sending our factory jobs to China and Mexico, and I would also put a stop to the unnecessary violence going on around us. To me these are three very important issues that need to be changed; by this I think the world would be a better place. I think we need a different president; this isn’t a racist statement or anything of that sort. I believe we just need a different president because he has already had four years to make a change, yet he hasn’t made that big of a difference. We need a farmer as president. Farmers know how to plan out and deal with sudden problems. Take for example, President Carter, a peanut farmer, people loved him and most things he accomplished during his term. Secondly, we need to stop sending all of our jobs to other foreign countries. Think about it, in America we are suffering from job loss and in a great deal of debt. We send most of our factory and industry jobs over to China or Mexico, when we really could use them here. If we took back factory jobs in America it would cut back on unemployment rates, and we would create a more stable economy for us Americans. Also, we would have the reassurance and pride of creating our own products in The United States. One of the most important changes we need to make is stopping the violence in America. Through-out America’s history we have had numerous bombings, shootings and other horrific, violent events. This is all unnecessary, we are the United States of America ( emphasis on â€Å"United†. ) And there should be no reason for all of this unnecessary violence toward our fellow Americans. And another way we could end unnecessary violence is to track down all the guns that are â€Å"registered† to the owners and make sure that the owners of the guns actually have them. Also to put metal detectors like at airports in every building to make sure no weapons that are not legally concealed or registered to be allowed inside. So if I had the power to change three things about the world I would end all of the violence towards fellow human beings because it’s pointless to harm one another for â€Å"religious† beliefs. And to take away all of the illegally owned weapons away from all of the criminals and that would take away the majority of the violence toward each other. I would put a President in office that would actually live up to his promises to change the country and bring us out of debt and not to have the other countries look at us as a weaker country as to what we once was. Also i would also bring all of the jobs that we are sending to foreign countries and providing them jobs when we are suffering from the lowest employment levels that I can remember.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Discipline in Childhood Essay -- Parenting Papers

Discipline in Childhood Children require freedom to grow and to learn, but they will not thrive on unlimited freedom. The aim of discipline is to set reasonable limits which protect children from harm and teach them what is safe and what is not. If children are to grow up into responsible, conscientious, and dependable adults, they must learn the social, moral, and ethical standards that are considered acceptable in our society. They must also learn to respect the rights and property of others. Children brought up without discipline may become selfish, greedy, dishonest, unpopular, uncooperative and insecure. Undisciplined children constantly demand attention. They may be inconsiderate or disrespectful to others. Some are destructive, aggressive, and accident prone. A child allowed to disobey without punishment is unlikely to develop much respect for law as he grows older. Although it is impossible to define rules for discipline that are appropriate for every situation, some principles are well established. * Your child needs your LOVE more than anything else. * You should use discipline to teach your child. * You should not discipline your child before he or she is old enough to understand the reason for the punishment. * You should not punish your child for behavior that is part of normal development, such as thumb sucking, speech development, or accidents that occur during toilet training. * You should not punish your child for anything that is accidental. * Both parents should be consistent in the application of discipline. * You should explain to your child, in language ... ... has been forgiven. For a time-out to be effective there must also be "time-in." To summaries this piece of work this shows us that children can’t be given unlimited freedom because they will run wild, and this also shows that children require your love and support in life not only as a child but also when they are growing up. This also shows us that children who are NOT disciplined tend to be â€Å"Greedy, dishonest, selfish etc†¦Ã¢â‚¬  these children also seem to get into more trouble than children who receive more love and support during their childhood. It also says that you should NOT use discipline on children that are too young to understand what is going on, due to this may effect their mental development. This also shows us that ‘time out’ is one of the best disciplines in the way to teach a child to stop misbehaving.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dramatic tension Essay

This then, is clearly contrasted with the language used when describing a life spent as Willy’s has been, selling and buying. Biff speaks off such a life using words such as ‘suffer’ and ‘measly’ and again, the stage directions are clear in indicating his tone ‘with rising agitation. ‘ A dramatic tension is created then, between the different lifestyles, as Biff and Happy are portrayed as struggling with the inner conflict of conforming to their father’s ideals, or obeying their natural desires. The setting is also crucial in conveying dramatic tension. The use of scenery illuminates the attitude of Willy, and the audience is engaged in a sensory experience with the actor. Furthermore, the setting reflects the events taking place and can set the mood and atmosphere that are so important in creating dramatic tension. The house then, is a place of an increasingly dramatic tension. The house is an important part of the setting as it represents Willy’s flawed ambition. Details such as the single ‘silver athletic trophy’ being one of the only furnishings represents the importance of success but also the lack of it due to the bard setting of the home. The kitchen then, shows only ‘three chairs’ at the table. This may represent the absence of Biff as part of their lives. Dramatic tension is woven throughout, hinting at difficulties surrounding the return of ‘the prodigal son’ and the lack of selling success that is soon revealed to be haunting Willy. He built the house as a part of his success however; it has become overshadowed by apartment blocks. The street outside is packed with cars showing that success is now being achieved by many and in comparison; Willy’s small house is now insignificant, as is his dwindling success. Many of the events take place in the house, and most prominently, the family arguments. It is in the house that Biff comes to terms with flunking maths, that Biff and Willy argue about success, that Linda yells at her sons, and finally, Biff produces the rubber piping and confronts his father. These arguments create dramatic tension as what should have been the perfect family set-up and home becomes fractured, and so is Willy’s dream, to the point of suicide. The Garden or Backyard is also an important part of the setting. Willy attempts to plant seeds remarking ‘I’ve got to get some seeds, right away. Nothings planted, I don’t have a thing in the ground. ‘ The garden is a motif then, of Willy’s need and desire for success. It also represents the legacy that that Willy never leaves with his family. Though Willy attempts to plant his garden near the end of the play, this is too little too late. His life then, had already been a failure and he has left nothing remarkable by which to be remembered. This is a very high point of dramatic tension as the audience is very aware that Willy seems to sense the end of his life is incredibly close. Linked to the production of the rubber pipe only moments later, an overhanging reminder of Willy’s contemplation of suicide creates incredible tension. Dramatic tension is also created through the use of stage and sound effects as well as lighting. Miller uses all three methods as mood and atmosphere creators to enhance and create dramatic tension. Miller is very specific when describing the effects to depict the Loman house. Staging effects include transparent walls in order to make to whole house accessible to the audience. Furthermore, it creates a sense of vulnerability and rawness enhanced by the towering blocks surrounding the house. This vulnerability then, creates a sense defence from attack that enhances dramatic tension. Miller describes the Tower blocks as ‘tall angular shapes’ that reflect Willy’s feeling of inferiority and also claustrophobia and then create a threatening presence. Lighting is crucial in creating atmosphere and dramatic tension. The beginning scene is the most prominent example of this. At first Miller uses the ‘blue light of the sky’ to recreate a depressed and sorrowful mood. The dramatic tension arises when this becomes and ‘an angry glow of orange. ‘ This change suddenly shows a threatening and angry, harsh and dangerous mood. Tension is obvious as the two moods seem far apart but are obviously both linked to the events that will unfold in the Loman house. Sound effects are also important at this point and then throughout the novel. At this stage, the music of a lilting flute is described as fragile and small and fine. It can be seen to represent the better times of the family in which Willy was more successful. It also becomes associated with Willy’s self-delusion of success and his dream of fortune. This music is played then at varying points throughout the play, symboling to the audience a flashback or a sad remainder of a once optimistic dream. The dramatic tension is created as music appears before the events, leaving the audience with a sense of suspense. Other characters ‘theme music’ are that of Bens, and that of the boys, described as ‘gay and happy. ‘ Miller uses these ahead of the character appearance to show that they are about to become involved in the plot, creating dramatic tension as the audience wonders how this will effect the unfolding events. Miller uses more than just music to create dramatic tension. Sound effects such as the screech of Willy’s tyres as he commits suicide create vivid, realistic and highly tense moments. Miller also uses voices to create confusion in Willy’s last actions, thereby recreating the confusion and breakdown of Willy’s mental state. The tension is increased, as his next moves cannot be predicted. The voice of ‘The Women’ constitutes much dramatic tension. Upon hearing her voice and laugh, even beyond the ‘Boston Bedroom’ scene, we are then led to consider whether Willy has ended the affair and the consequences the relationship would cast. Combined with the way in which the family seems to further splinter, an incredible tension is created. Moreover, Biff’s growing agitation toward his indicates that he may be ready to reveal hidden affair. ‘The Woman’s’ laugh adds to this dramatic tension by sounding ironic and mocking, and this further exposes Willy’s vulnerability and confusion. Symbolism is also used throughout both to create dramatic tension and to link the past and the future. Perhaps the rubber piping creates the highest point of tension. It represents Willy’s insecurities and contemplation of death, a prospect that is in itself, an incredibly dramatically tense subject throughout as the audience is constantly left to wonder whether or not Willy will commit suicide. Furthermore, Linda knows of its existence but is reluctant to confront her husband. From the point that Biff decides to remove and keep the piping, we are aware that he now has two strongholds over his father, and tension is evident in his conflict between using this advantage over the now weakened Willy, and the reminder of the awesome respect he used to hold for his Father. In this final scene, Biff finally confronts his father by producing the tubing. Linda is horrified; Biff is angry and confused while Willy is left to defend himself. Such dramatic tension is highly powerful as it plays on the volatile emotional and relational ties found linking the characters. Their interactions then, are charged emotional, created by Miller as part of an incredibly tense sense of drama. Miller combines these methods of creating intense dramatic tension and as a result has produced a highly successful play that continues to capture the audiences rapt attention throughout.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Argument

Letter from Birmingham jail argument essay In Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s essay â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail† he makes the claim that; â€Å"It is a historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give who their unjust posture, but†¦groups tend to be more immoral than individuals,† (paragraph 12). This means that those who come from privileged groups tend not to give up their privileges. Which is completely true, hence is why I qualify with his statement.King lived in the 1960s and was a anti-segregationist activists. Also he was a member of the clergy and a very influential member in our American history. In the 60s blacks and whites were separated in everything they did, from schooling all the way down to restrooms and water fountains. It was a unfair and unjust time period for the oppressed blacks. Which is why King was in jail to begin with, and also why he wrote hi s letter in response to the clergyman. King's statement about how the privileged are not quick to give up their privileges is evident throughout our history.When the slaves in America were enslaved the white slaveholders who were clearly privileged were not quick to give up their ownership over theses people, in fact they even went to war over this issue. The Germans, in Nazi Germany were not quick to revolt against the Nazi's because their power allowed them even greater privileges. In fact, I would argue that those who are a part of a privileged group will even advocate towards immoral actions to greater their privileges. Personally speaking as a competitive dancer I have seen an example of this first hand. The more money you put into the sport it is evident that you get out more.And the dancers' parents who put in more money expect more, even if their child is completely un-talented. These dancers whom are clearly privileged when asked if they will trade a front line in a dance f or the back because little Susie never gets to be in the front will simple scoff at even the idea. People who are privileged do not even know what it is like to work hard to earn your blessings, and that is what us wrong with our world today. King's argument about those who are privileged is evident throughout world history and continues onto modern day. Those who are given more will not hand over what has been granted to them.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

10 Threats to Monarch Migration

10 Threats to Monarch Migration Though monarch butterflies as a species are not in danger of extinction in the near future, their unique North American migration may cease without intervention. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) calls the monarch migration an endangered biological phenomenon. Migrating monarchs face threats throughout their journey, from their overwintering sites to their breeding grounds. Here are 10 threats to monarch migration, all of them the result of human activities. Until we change our ways, monarchs will likely continue to decline throughout their North American migration route. 1. Roundup-Resistant Crops American corn and soybean growers now plant mostly genetically-modified crops that are resistant to the herbicide Roundup. Rather than till the soil to control weeds in their fields, farmers can now plant their crops first, and then spray their fields with Roundup to kill the weeds. The weeds, including milkweed, die back, while the corn or soybeans continue to grow. Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), perhaps the most important monarch host plant of all the milkweeds, can still thrive in a tilled field. Ask any gardener who has planted a patch of it about how quickly it spreads, and how hard it is to keep from resprouting. But common milkweed (or any milkweed species, for that matter) cannot tolerate these repeated applications of Roundup on farm fields. Milkweed in agricultural fields is believed to have been a food source for up to 70% of monarchs in the past; the loss of these plants could seriously impact the population. Roundup doesnt discriminate, either, so nectar plants tha t once bloomed between crops have disappeared in these areas, too. 2. Insecticide Use This might seem like a no-brainer (and perhaps it is), but monarch populations can be impacted by exposure to insecticides, even those intended for controlling other insects. In some cases, the insecticide in question may be deemed safe to other, non-targeted wildlife, but often no studies exist to prove the product wont harm monarch butterflies. Fear of West Nile virus leads many communities to conduct aerial spraying programs of pesticides intended to kill mosquitoes, to the possible detriment of monarchs. Permethrin, for example, is used to control adult mosquitoes, but one study done by the Monarch Lab at the University of Minnesota showed that permethrin residue on milkweed foliage is highly lethal to monarch caterpillars, particularly in the early instars. Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis)is a bacteria that specifically targets caterpillars. It is applied aerially to forests, to combat pests like the gypsy moth, and inserted into genetically modified corn, to help the plants repel pe sts like the corn borer. Studies show that windblown pollen from GM corn can kill monarch larvae if the toxic pollen lands on milkweed foliage. Fortunately, recent research suggests Bt-laden corn pollen may not pose a serious threat to the overall monarch population. 3. Roadside Maintenance Activities Milkweed grows well in disturbed habitats like roadsides. It could be said that most monarch enthusiasts can spot a milkweed patch while driving 60 miles per hour down the highway! One would think such an easy growing host plant would give monarchs an edge, but unfortunately, the people who maintain our right-of-ways usually view milkweed as a weed, and nothing more. In many places, the roadside vegetation is mowed, often right when milkweed is at its peak and crawling with caterpillars. In some cases, roadside vegetation is treated with herbicides. As farmers eliminate milkweed from their fields with Roundup, roadside milkweed stands will be more important to migrating monarchs. 4. Ozone Pollution Ozone, a major component of smog, is highly toxic to plants. Some plants are more sensitive to ozone pollution than others. Milkweed is highly sensitive to ozone at ground level, so much so that it is considered a reliable bio-indicator of ozone pollution. Milkweed plants affected by ozone develop dark lesions on their foliage, a symptom known as stippling. While we know the quality of milkweed suffers in areas of high ground-level ozone, we know little about how this may impact monarch larvae that feed on milkweed plants in smoggy areas. 5. Deforestation Overwintering monarchs need forests for protection from the elements, and they need very specific forests at that. The population that breeds east of the Rocky Mountains migrates to mountains in central Mexico, where they can roost in dense stands of oyamel fir trees. Unfortunately, those trees are a valuable resource, and even after the monarch wintering site was designated as a preserve, logging activities continued illegally. In the 20 years from 1986 to 2006, an estimated 10,500 hectares of forest were either lost entirely or disturbed to a degree that they no longer provided suitable winter cover for the butterflies. Since 2006, the Mexican government has been more vigilant in enforcing the logging ban within the preserve, and thankfully, deforestation has decreased significantly in recent years. 6. Water Diversion Since long before the monarchs were found clinging to trees by the millions in Mexico, Mexican families have subsisted off the land in and around the oyamel forests. Local residents need water, both for their homes and for their cattle and crops. In recent years, villagers have started diverting water from mountain streams, using plastic pipes to intercept and direct it to their homes and farms. Not only does this leave streambeds dry, but it also requires the overwintering monarchs to fly longer distances in search of water. And the farther they fly, the more energy the butterflies require to survive until spring. 7. Real Estate Development California boasts some of the countrys highest property values, so its no surprise that monarchs on the west coast might get squeezed out by land developers. Both breeding habitat and wintering sites are at risk. Remember, the monarch butterfly is not an endangered species, so it isnt afforded the protections of the Endangered Species Act. So far, butterfly enthusiasts and monarch lovers have done a good job of pleading for the conservation of overwintering sites, which are scattered from San Diego County to Marin County along the California coastline. But vigilance must be maintained to make sure the monarchs keep this prime real estate. 8. Removal of Non-Native Eucalyptus Trees Why would the removal of non-native trees impact the monarch butterfly, a native species? In the mid-to-late 19th century, Californians imported and planted no less than 100 species of eucalyptus from Australia. These hardy trees grew like weeds along the California coast. Western monarch butterflies found the groves of eucalyptus trees provided ideal protection in the winter, even better than the stands of native pines where they roosted in the past. The western population of North American monarchs now relies heavily on these stands of introduced trees to see them through the winter. Unfortunately, eucalyptus is known for its propensity to fuel wildfires, so these forests are not so beloved by land managers. We may see a decline in monarch numbers where the non-native trees are removed. 9. Climate Change Monarchs need very specific climate conditions to survive the winter, and this is why their overwintering sites are limited to just 12 mountains in Mexico and a handful of eucalyptus groves in California. It doesnt matter whether you believe climate change is caused by humans (it is) or not, climate change is real and it is happening now. So what will that mean for the migrating monarchs? Scientists used climate change models to predict what conditions at the overwintering sites will be in the near future, and the models paint a gloomy picture for the monarchs. By 2055, climate change models predict the oyamel forests of Mexico will see precipitation similar to what the area experienced in 2002 when an estimated 70-80% of the monarchs in the two largest overwintering sites died. Why is wet weather so detrimental to the monarchs? In a drier climate, the butterflies can adjust to the cold by a process known as supercooling. Wet butterflies freeze to death. 10. Tourism The very people who care the most about monarchs may be contributing to their demise. We didnt even know where the monarchs spent their winters until 1975, but in the decades since, millions of tourists have made the pilgrimage to central Mexico to see this mass gathering of butterflies. Each winter, up to 150,000 visitors travel to the remote oyamel forests. The impact of 300,000 feet on the steep mountain trails causes considerable soil erosion. Many tourists travel by horseback, kicking up dust that blocks spiracles and literally suffocates the butterflies. And each year, more businesses pop up to cater to butterfly tourists, requiring more resources and creating more waste. Even in the U.S., tourism has sometimes hurt more than help the monarchs. A motel built at one of the California overwintering locations degraded the forest and caused the butterflies to abandon the site. Sources North American Monarch Conservation Plan (PDF), prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC).Conservation Initiative in North America to Protect Monarch Butterfly, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS).Monarch Butterfly Conservation in North America, U.S. Forest Service.Migrating Monarch Butterflies in Monterey County, Ventana Wildlife Society.Species Profile (Monarch), Species at Risk Public Registry, Government of Canada.The Effects of Mosquito-Control Applications of Permethrin on Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Larvae, Sara Brinda, 2004.Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Resmethrin on Nontargeted Species, Meredith Blank, 2006.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Fight the Good Fight Against Creeping Errors

Fight the Good Fight Against Creeping Errors Fight the Good Fight Against Creeping Errors Fight the Good Fight Against Creeping Errors By Mark Nichol Editing, the skill set practiced by the other half of my writer/editor dual personality, is a pleasurable pursuit for me. It enables me to practice problem solving, help people express themselves, and improve my own writing. But as I peruse some of the prose I examine professionally more than a million words each year I repeatedly come across banal but annoying errors that baffle me. There are corollaries of these mistakes in every profession, and in the personal compartments of one’s life. They’re the editorial equivalent of finding that the toilet seat has been left up. (I’m sure you can think of cognates in your experience.) These are among those indefensible editorial errors that seem to perpetuate themselves like a virus, inconsequential in isolation but aggravating in the aggregate. One irritating error I find often is the intrusive framing of a name in commas when it is an appositive of a preceding description of the person named, as in â€Å"The exhibition showcases the work of photographer, Mathew Brady, who produced many iconic images from the Civil War era.† This mistake is rarely replicated in well-edited publications. Unfortunately, many people are corrupted by its ubiquitous appearance in not-so-well-edited publications, and it is thus passed on to infect others. (This error is no doubt influenced by a superficially similar and correct construction: â€Å"The exhibition showcases the work of the photographer, Mathew Brady, who produced many iconic images from the Civil War era.† This is correct form only if the photographer has already been referred to as such in a previous sentence without being named. Also, some publications precede an epithet describing a prominent person with the as in â€Å"The exhibition showcases the work of the photographer Mathew Brady, who produced many iconic images from the Civil War era† though the insertion is an unnecessary affection but notice that the name is not set off by a pair of commas.) Many other examples of such evergreen errors exist, including words misspelled (definately in place of definitely), imperfectly rendered because they’re imperfectly heard (supposably substituting for supposedly), unnecessarily augmented (irregardless, when regardless is sufficient), or faultily combined (alot instead of â€Å"a lot†). The persistent prevalence of these mutations is baffling, considering that the correct forms are found in any self-respecting publication. But the answer must lie in the explosion of email and texting, the proliferation of blogs and websites with less-than-rigorous editing, and the erosion of editorial quality in traditional print publications. The only defense against deterioration of grammar, syntax, usage, spelling, and punctuation standards is careful writing and careful editing with the assistance of good role models, knowledgeable editors, and reliable reference sources. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Computer Terms You Should Know36 Poetry Terms1,462 Basic Plot Types

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Still Alice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Still Alice - Essay Example Thus, one of the first scenes shows the main character giving a lecture about her work. This is clearly a big honor for everyone who is present. However, during the lecture, Alice (Julianne Moore) forgets a word. This is rather surprising for such a smart woman as she. So, to win some time she jokes about having an extra glass of champagne. However, even after several seconds she can not remember the necessary word; so, she uses a synonym: the word she forgot was lexicon and she said word stock. This is quite an important scene as it shows that Alice is still able to use the majority of her mental resources and can fight the early symptoms. Several times during the movie Alice is seen playing a mobile application that is called Words with friends. This element serves several significant functions. First of all, it situates Alice in the environment of ‘normal’ people who are able to use their brain to its fullest to play abstract games. Later in the movie she tells her daughter that she has developed an obsession with this game. One might see a considerable amount of irony here since as her disease progresses, she will no longer be able to carry on what she liked a lot. In other words, other people who did not use their brain so much should not feel such a tragedy in the disease that she was diagnosed with. Finally, this very game might also be seen as a measurement of her mental potential. Thus, in the very beginning of the movie Alice is seen forming a word Hadj (Islamic ritual pilgrimage). There is no doubt that few people who are not Muslims know this word. This shows that Alice is quite intelligent. Ho wever, at the end of the film the best word she is able to come up with in the game is tone. This might be regarded as a clear sign of her mental degradation. During the first interview of neurologist, the latter asks Alice about her family. She reveals that her

Friday, November 1, 2019

Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example The death due to breast cancer is a nightmare for all the women. However, National Cancer Institute has given some hope to the people by providing with the information that the survival rate of the breast cancer patients have increased from 48 percent to 52 percent in a span of 19 years (Mankiller, p.68). A number of women in US who are breast cancer survivors and won the battle against this life-ending disease are now leading a reasonably normal life. New York Magazine illustrated a story of a breast cancer survivor in 1992. Joyce Wadler who is a resident of New York stated in the magazine, â€Å"I have a scar on my left breast, four inches long that runs from right side of my breast to just above the nipple. The true story is, that a surgeon made the cut, following the line I had drawn for him the night before. He asked where I wanted the scar, the surgeon took it out using a local, and when he was done, I asked to see it. A robin’s egg size with the grey brain like matter that gives it its name: medullary cancer. It rested in the middle of a large ball of pink and white breast tissues, sliced down the centre like a hard-boiled egg, an onion like layering of whitish grey tissues about it, and I looked at it hard, trying to figure it out. We did know it was cancer until twenty minutes later, when they had almost finished stitching me up and the pathology report came back, and then I was especially glad I had looked. Mano a mano, eyeball to eyeball. This is a modern story. Me and my cancer. I won† (Wadler, p.36). The risk of getting breast cancer augments with age until the menopause, after which the risk decreases drastically. The probability of having breast cancer is higher than of lungs cancer in young age. Most of the women become a victim of this disease at an age of 25-30 and they are the largest group of female cancer survivors. The breast cancer survivors face number of physical and emotional consequences after the treatment and need a sp ecial health care. Women who are breast cancer survivors, often lack confidence due to the physical changes they suffer after treatment and they hesitate to date someone. A forty-five year old divorced woman who is a breast cancer survivor said, â€Å"I do not feel as beautiful. It is as if I am not as confident as I was before I had my breasts removed. I am not as confident getting to know someone new in that way, not at all† (Abel & Subramanian, p.95, 2008). This behavior of the breast cancer patients is due to the mistreatment they get from other people. They lose social life, their friends leave them, and they feel lonely. However, a positive attitude is all what a cancer survivor needs in order to enjoy his or her life. Sarah a resident of New York is a proud survivor of breast cancer too. She was 27 years old when doctors told her about her breast cancer. She says, â€Å"Since I have had breast cancer, it is clear that I have changed. For starters, I value my body more now. I treat it more carefully and do not take it fore granted. I also think that I look better than before and like the way I look. Over the years, I have developed a dress style that covers up my bad parts and play up my good parts† (Kahane, p.22). Works Cited Abel, Emily K. & Subramanian,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final proposal - Essay Example Manchester offers various properties suited for economic development, relocation assistance, financing and tax credits as economic incentives to assist revenue flow in the local region. Especially in difficult economic times, Manchester’s rather liberal assistance and incentive programs will aid in maintaining short-term profitability by avoiding high relocation costs. The provision of demographic and marketing information – This would include elements of consumer behavior and the ethnic/cultural differences to assist in creating workable marketing strategies to increase profitability. The provision of regulatory assistance – This includes assistance in understanding the practical application of rules and laws which are mandated by Manchester to provide information on how best to structure the business to satisfy legal expectations. This could potentially prevent any future liability on behalf of MMK. The provision of various loans – Manchester wants to draw business to its region, thus offering various loans make the environment more suitable in the event of having to borrow additional capital for improvements to the company. The provision of technical assistance – This will help the company to understand how best to incorporate various technologies to make the company more adaptable and flexible to changing market demands. Quality of life is also evident in Manchester, which will be a positive motivational aspect, from a lifestyle perspective, for any international expatriate employees who will be required to assist in developing the new American facility. As expatriate assignments are generally long-term (Mathis & Jackson, 2005), quality educational facilities are available for school-aged children as well as 900 acres of parks, playgrounds, swimming facilities, beaches, and ski regions ( For managers or

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Inflammation is a protective reaction associated with vascular tissues in response to different stimuli such as irritants and pathogens. In addition, other causes of inflammation may include physical injuries and immune reactions on body cells and tissues. Therefore, inflammatory reactions serve to eliminate the stimuli and start the process of healing on damaged cells, tissues, and organs (Ferrero-Miliani et al., 2007, p. 227). Conversely, these inflammatory reactions can be chronic or acute. This essay presents the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, prognosis, and the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Scenario: 45 years old woman started with severe pain in her hands and feet. She noticed that she could not shake her wrists whilst she was doing PE with her students in the gym. About 2 month later, when she was working in her yard, the pain became even more pronounced. She was digging the yard for make a path way. The garden working was difficult to do because every day her feet hurt and the strength in her hands was so reduced that even lifting a large boiling pot in the staff kitchen was difficult. At night times she put her hands under her pillow to try to reduce the pain so that she could sleep. Chronic immune inflammatory reactions can occur on synovial tissues in response to the synovitis, synovial cells, and the accumulated synovial fluid in the joints. This type of autoimmunity causes Rheumatoid arthritis (Majithia Geraci, 2007). The symptoms of RA are not only limited to the articular regions but they can also spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, RA affects the joints, skin, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, heart, and other systemic tissues. In addition, the disorder leads to destruction of the ankylosis and cartilage lining the joints. It also causes nodular lesions on the skin and diverse inflammatory reactions on different systemic tissues (Majithia Geraci, 2007, p. 937). The clinical diagnosis of RA involves physical examination of symptoms, blood tests, x-ray radiographic imaging, and other differential diagnoses, which are aimed at distinguishing the symptoms of RA from other disorders. Moreover, the pathogenesis of RA entails proliferation and fibrosis of cells; the destruction of cartilage and bones; and pannus formation. These changes are caused by the activities of proteolytic enzymes, cytokines, and prostanoids in the synovial region (Majithia Geraci, 2007, p. 937). Here, inflammation is mediated by Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha and Interleukin-1 (IL-1), which are the most notable pro-inflammatory cytokines in the disease process of RA. The two cytokines enhance the production of other inflammatory elements such as nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). However, IL-1 has shown prominence in the pathogenesis of RA. Initial IL-1 release stimulates osteoblasts, synoviocytes, and chondrocytes. The cells take part in the inflammatory reactions, bone destruction, and pannus formation. Furthermore, the inflammatory reactions elevate the secretion of IL-1 relative to the progress of the disease. In addition, IL-1 stimulates the movement of neutrophils into the synovial region; the production and differentiation of lymphocytes; and finally the activation of macrophages. Additional IL-1 production leads to severe erosion of bone and cartilage, produces pain, and impairs tissue repair (Majithia Geraci, 2007). Lastly, Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated using medications such as analgesics, steroids, and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). In addition, non-pharmacological therapies such as physical therapy and nutritional therapy can halt the development of the disease. Conversely, the prognosis of RA shows varied symptoms in different patients such as disabilities, poor prognostic factors, and sometimes death (Majithia Geraci, 2007, p. 939). Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Scenario: A 33 years old man have a burning, sensitive, irritated sensation under his skin that spread throughout his arms and upper body over few months in the beginning of 2010. He noticed his sense of balance was lost. Then over a several weeks more symptoms presented themselves. His hands began to shake and tremor, his ears began buzzing, tickly in his left foot and the muscle spasms appeared, and muscle strength getting weak and pain grew in his thighs. His speech became jumbled and his left pupil dilated. Acute infections of the peripheral nervous system can cause an autoimmune reaction in response to the pathogens and the host tissues. These immune responses are targeted at pathogens such as bacteria and the influenza virus but instead they attack the gangliosides of the nerve tissues (Hughes et al., 1999). This is the basis of GBS, which leads to inflammatory demyelination of the nerves and multiple neuropathies. Consequently, GBS is characterized by impaired sense of position, paralysis, absence of fever, areflexia, and symmetrical weaknesses that begin with the legs and spread to the upper limbs and finally to the face. Conversely, analyses of the cerebrospinal fluid and electrodiagnostics provide important insights into the diagnosis of GBS. In addition, observable paralysis and areflexia can be used as the immediate indicators of GBS. However, additional differential diagnoses are important to distinguish the symptoms of GBS with other disorders such as the Motor Neuron Disease (Hughes et al., 1999, p. 74). The pathogenesis of GBS is associated with immune responses targeted at an acute infection. However, the pathogens involved in the infection contain epitopes resembling some components of the peripheral nervous system. Therefore, the immune reaction attacks the nerve components causing acute inflammation on the myelin sheath or the axon (Hughes et al., 1999). Furthermore, the inflammatory reactions cause severe demyelination in the nodes of Ranvier and nerve roots. These inflammatory reactions are mediated by both the cellular and humoral immune components such as activated T-lymphocytes, which invade the demyelinated regions and attract macrophages that destroy the nerve membranes. Additional demyelination is thus, mediated by the macrophages and components of the complement system. Lastly, the treatment of GBS entails providing supportive care for patients with paralyzed diaphragms and intravenous injections of immunoglobulin for stable patients. In addition, administration of plasmapheresis is recommended. Conversely, except for isolated cases of persistent areflexia, the prognosis of GBS shows that most patients begin recovering at the forth week after the onset and they can be completely healed after a few months or one year. Conclusion The essay presents a detailed discussion on two inflammatory conditions, which are caused by immune responses that target cells, tissues, and organs in the body. Therefore, the essay examines the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment, and the prognosis of Rheumatoid arthritis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). From the discussions above, it can be deduced that inflammation is a serious complication, which occurs in the whole body or within a specific tissue and causes acute or chronic symptoms. However, most inflammatory conditions are treatable and preventable.