Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Burger King & Television advertisements for its products

A decent advancement can help in expanding the deals and terrible advancements diminish the piece of the overall industry. The message methodology of Burger King ought to be to make a buzz among the adolescent with quick advertising strategies. The prime quality of Burger King is to give a modified burger, anyway odd it may be. This can be the greatest influence point as various clients may have various requests with not very many or nobody to take into account them. They ought not go for the standard advancement, for example, Television ads for its products.Among the adolescent the way of life of staying in contact is by means of webmail. So utilizing this mode would demonstrate progressively powerful considering the way that adolescent involves the greater purchaser piece. Crispin probably won't have a simple and going great excursion while building up this message and in guaranteeing that shoppers comprehend the message effectively. So as to make buzz Crispin needs to build up a p icture for Burger King which represents the young. Henceforth the message ought to be with the end goal that it doesn't appear to be excessively business and â€Å"uncool.† They have to prevail with regards to astonishing the crowd which would make the buzz prompting introduction. Crispin is required to make a message that can ‘gain consideration, hold intrigue, excite want and evoke activity. ’ BK should utilize a representative which speaks to the young and they can without much of a stretch recognize themselves with MTV characters or people from famous Rock Bands can be utilized as representative for BK as MTV is one of the most watched channels among the adolescent and they likewise love to tune in to Rock Bands.BK ought to spend the cash on an Integrated Advertising Campaign. By not straightforwardly advancing BK’s item they made a buzz which prompts more advancement than legitimately advancing the item which is excessively evident and doesn't offer t he intended interest group. Significant spotlight ought to be on webmail and the promoting ought to be fit for making a buzz. This would prompt the most extreme infiltration among its objective clients which is the adolescent. Works Cited Page Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Millennium Edition, Pearson Education Publishers, Delhi, 2000

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Laertes And Hamlet Both Display Impulsive Reactions When Essays

Laertes and Hamlet both presentation imprudent responses when maddened. When Laertes finds his dad has been killed Laertes quickly accept the slayer is Claudius. Because of Laertes' theory he intuitively moves to retaliate for Polonius' demise. To for hell's sake, faithfulness! promises, to the blackest fallen angel! Heart and beauty, to the profoundest pit! I dare condemnation: to this point I stand, that the two universes I provide for carelessness, let come what comes; just I'll be vindicated most altogether for my father. Act 4 Scene 5 lines 128-134 give knowledge into Laertes' psyche showing his craving for vengeance at any expense. Rather than Laertes hypothesis of his dad's executioner, Hamlet presumes the individual keeping an eye on his discussion with Gertrude is Claudius(Nay, I know not: is it the King? Act 3, Scene 4 line 28). Subsequently, Hamlet overwhelmed by rage naturally pushes out endeavoring to slaughter Claudius, however rather strikes Polonius. Hamlet's and Laertes' impulsive activities are prompted by wrath and disappointment. Unexpected displeasure prompts both Hamlet and Laertes to act suddenly, giving little idea to the outcomes of their activities. Hamlet and Laertes share an alternate yet profound love and concern for Ophelia. Before his flight for France Laertes gives long counsel to Ophelia relating to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes voices his anxiety of Hamlet's actual aims towards Ophelia furthermore, advices her to be careful about Hamlet's adoration. Laertes puts forth for Ophelia, Hamlet is a ruler who no doubt will have a masterminded marriage. Hamlet's solid love for Ophelia wilts after she dismisses his liking. Hamlet's broad love for Ophelia brought about grave languishing over Hamlet once his fondness was dismissed. Hamlet's appearance rots because of the dismissal of his adoration for Ophelia(Pale as his shirt, his knees thumping each other Act 2, Scene 1, line 82). The loss of Ophelia's affection for Hamlet incites Polonius into trusting it has made Hamlet return to joke mien. Once Laertes learns of the passing of his sister he is harrowed with trouble. Similarly, Hamlet is stunned and chafed over Ophelia's death. Both Hamlet and Laertes are so significantly bothered at the demise of Ophelia they hop into her grave and battle one another. In spite of the fact that Hamlet and Laertes scorned each other, the two of them cherished Ophelia. Hamlet was captivated by Ophelia which was clear during his consistent anguish over her(in her dismissal of Hamlet, and in her demise Hamlet endured incredibly). Laertes shared a solid charitable love for Ophelia which was obvious in his recommendation to her. Laertes further shown his adoration for Ophelia during her burial service were he battled with Hamlet. Hamlet and Laertes are comparative in the manner they partner with their families. Laertes exceptionally regards and cherishes his dad Polonius. Additionally, Hamlet holds an incredible regard for his dead father(Hamlet thinks about his dad to a sun god Hyperion). After the passing of their fathers, Hamlet and Laertes endeavor to look for vengeance on the professional killers. Hamlet and Laertes show tyrannical perspectives towards females. Laertes gives his sister Ophelia direction on her relationship with Hamlet. Similarly, Hamlet can convince Gertrude he isn't distraught and control her to adhere to his guidelines. Hamlet coordinates his mother to persuade Claudius regarding Hamlet's frenzy. Hamlet can cause his mom to consider her part in the passing of his dad and feel guilt(Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul, and there I see such dark and grained spots as won't leave their tinct. Act 3, Scene 4 lines 90-93). Besides, Hamlet teaches his mom not to lay down with Claudius. The dads of Laertes and Hamlet both endeavored to utilize spies to pick up data on their sons(although not his genuine father Claudius was his uncle just as step-father). Claudius utilized Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to accumulate data on Hamlet. In correlation, Polonius dispatches Reynaldo to investigate Laertes. Hamlet and Laertes share comparable viewpoints inside their families. Hamlet and Laertes show rash conduct when goaded. Hamlet gets shocked at the thought of Claudius keeping an eye on him which brings about Hamlet erroneously murdering Polonius. Laertes becomes definitely incensed at the passing of his dad and strongly looks for retribution against Claudius. Transient anger defeats Laertes and Hamlet which prompts them to act precipitously. Hamlet and Laertes both have a solid love for Ophelia. Hamlet's profound love for Ophelia is clear in his response to her dismissal of him. Similarly, Laertes care and warmth are uncovered by his recommendation to his sister. The groups of Laertes and Hamlet contain comparative properties. Hamlet furthermore, Laertes hold a high adoration for their dads and are willing to try and execute the

Thursday, August 20, 2020


Tribute Rather than working on the 12-page paper on green fluorescent protein that I need to have written by tomorrow, I spent the afternoon in the student center enjoying a matinee of the Musical Theatre Guilds production of Star Wars Trilogy: Musical Edition. Of course, since the production was covered in the Boston Globe and slashdotted, MTG had quite a larger turnout than they expected. Luckily, I reserved my 12 tickets early heres what the poor unfortunate souls on the waiting list looked like: The entire production was glorious, but beyond the Amadeus, Top Gun and Jetsons references, the tap-dancing stormtroopers, the running ew, I kissed my sister joke, the random operatic soprano belting Phantom of the Empire, beyond the working Jabba the Hutt puppet, X-wing costumes, lightsabers, trap doors, and moving AT-AT legs, beyond Dont Cry For Me Princess Leia and When Youre Good to Jabba and City on a Cloud and One Night in Bespin, and beyond the amazing blue / white / red lighting at the end of One Play More and the perfect recreation of Jerome Robbinss America choreography by Jawas, one moment in Act V: The Empire Strikes Back stood above the rest of the four-hour production. Though Im going to see The Aristocrats at LSC next weekend, Im afraid that this may have already claimed the title of best joke in the world. Its was so good that Im actually, for the first time, going to include spoiler space in a Turkey vs. Spam entry, just in case you were planning to go see the show next weekend and dont want it ruined for you. Youve been warned. LUKE: I admit it, you are better than I am. DARTH VADER: Then why are you smiling? LUKE: Because I know something that you dont know. DARTH VADER: And what is that? LUKE: I am not left-handed! [switches lightsaber to right hand] DARTH VADER: [immediately cuts off LUKES right hand] You are now. Despite this utterly brilliant scene, which recieved at least 10 seconds of spontaneous audience ovation, like it was Happy Days and Fonzie just walked in or something, my GRT Chris noted that they actually missed the opportunity to incorporate this gem earlier in the scene: LUKE: Hello. My name is Luke Skywalker. You killed my father. Prepare to die. If anybody from MTG is reading this youve got three more shows to put it in! And splendid job to everyone involved in this semesters productionit was truly an excellent afternoon/evening.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Exactly Is a Toxic Chemical

Youve heard that toxic chemicals are bad for you, but what exactly is a toxic chemical? Heres an explanation of what is meant by the term toxic chemical as well as examples of common toxic chemicals you may have in your home or encounter in the environment. Toxic Chemical Definition The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or EPA defines a toxic chemical as any substance which may be harmful to the environment or hazardous to your health if inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin. Toxic Chemicals in Your Home Many useful household projects contain toxic chemicals. Common examples include: Drain cleanerLaundry detergentFurniture polishGasolinePesticidesAmmoniaToilet bowl cleanerMotor oilRubbing alcoholBleachBattery acid While these chemicals may be useful and even necessary, it is important to remember they should be used and disposed of according to instructions on the packaging. Natural Toxic Chemicals Many toxic chemicals occur in nature. For example, plants produce toxic chemicals to protect themselves from pests. Animals produce toxins for protection and to capture prey. In other cases, toxic chemicals are simply a by-product of metabolism. Some natural elements and minerals are poisonous. Here are some examples of natural toxic chemicals: MercurySnake venomCaffeine in coffee, tea, kola and cocoaArsenicRicin from castor beansPetroleumHydrogen sulfideChlorine gasSmoke Industrial and Occupational Toxic Chemicals The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has identified several chemicals it considers highly hazardous and toxic. Some of these are laboratory reagents, while others are used commonly in certain industries and trades. Certain pure elements are included. Here are a few substances on the list (which is extremely long): AcetaldehydeAcetoneAcroleinBromineChlorineCyanogenIsopropyl alcoholl-limoneneHydrogen peroxide 35% Are All Chemicals Toxic? Labeling a chemical as toxic or non-toxic is misleading because any compound can be toxic, depending on the route of exposure and the dose. For example, even water is toxic if you drink enough of it. Toxicity depends on other factors besides dose and exposure, including species, age, and gender. For example, humans can eat chocolate, yet its toxic to dogs. In a way, all chemicals are toxic. Similarly, there is a minimum dose for nearly all substances below which toxic effects are not seen, called the toxicity endpoint. A chemical can be both necessary for life and toxic. An example is iron. Humans need low doses of iron to make blood cells and perform other biochemical tasks, yet an overdose of iron is deadly. Oxygen is another example. Types of Toxins Toxins may be categorized into four groups. Its possible for a substance to belong to more than one group. Chemical Toxicants - Chemical toxins include both inorganic substances, such as mercury and carbon monoxide, and organic compounds, such as methyl alcohol.Biological Toxins - Many organisms secrete toxic compounds. Some sources consider pathogenic organisms to be toxins. A good example of a biological toxin is tetanus.Physical Toxicants - These are substances that interfere with biological processes. Examples include asbestos and silica.Radiation - Radiation has a toxic effect on many organisms. Examples include gamma radiation and microwaves.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Reflection Paper - 948 Words

For most people, they learn how to improve their reading and writing skills in Elementary School easily. I am one of the few that had to put more effort to improve our reading and writing. Some also may say that one event was the only event that affected their writing styles to make them to what they are now. I believe it takes more than one event to define how we behave, write, or interact. It takes multiple events to help shape how we write, such as, having extra help from the school, having a teacher sit down and talk with you, or having parents put more effort towards you practicing. I came from a Spanish speaking household and I still do to this day. Having my first language as Spanish and not English caused me to learn English later†¦show more content†¦I felt relieved and did not worry as much because I thought it was a simple warning and it would not be bad. Then she told me I could fail, that is when my worries came back but more intense. I stopped hearing everything she was saying as my mind started to drift off thinking about my parents giving me a spanking, taking my games away, grounding me, and all the other punishments they could possibly give me. It became even worse when she told me that she is going to send the grades home and that I need to have my parents sign it. When I got home I was extremely nervous to show my mom the grades. When I finally got the courage to tell her she got upset and started yelling things that I should not repeat here. After she got done yelling I promised I would try to get good grades and not be lazy so that I do not get behind. My mom decided that she will have to force me to read and practice writing because I am a lazy person. Because she knows I am lazy, she does not believe I will study and practice to bring my grades up. Every day while she was cooking she would sit me at our kitchen table and would have me read out loud for her. The book I read did not matter to her if I read a book at my grade level or higher. I do not enjoy reading books for fun so I did not have any in my room for me to choose from. My older sister is a big book nerd and enjoys reading lots of books for her free time. I picked one of the easiest books she had that I could read. I would read theShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper1317 Words   |  6 Pagesused to struggle with forming my thoughts into writing, let alone a paper. I was never confident with what I wrote. My writing had no greater purpose other than the assignment. My writing process included: writing my paper, proofreading it, and turning it in. Once the paper left my ha nds, it also left my mind. Throughout this course we worked with others, visited the writing lab, wrote critiques, and we were able to revise our papers. I believe that all of this is has caused me to grow greatly as aRead MoreReflection Paper836 Words   |  4 Pagesand integrating quotes. Before my papers were full of â€Å"she said† and â€Å"she would say†; which was boring and showed poor ability to lengthen my word choice. I also had a tendency to just throw quotes in and not integrate it into my writings. By the end of my English 101 class my papers began to present with words like â€Å"the author noted†, or â€Å"she stated† along with many other word choices and proper ways of using quotes. Here is an example from my final research paper: â€Å"Author Stephanie Jackson, a certifiedRead MoreNursing Reflection Paper858 Words   |  4 Pagesremainder of this reflection. I met Betty about eight years ago, as I was a close friend of her brother. Although her brother and I grew apart, I would still occasionally see Betty around. Never did I think that I would ever see her on the unit in which I was working, but a few weeks ago, this idea changed. When I arrived back to the nurse’s station after checking on each of my patients, I saw that my co-caring nurse was getting an admission. I looked down at the sheets of paper he had in front ofRead MoreReflection Paper On The Humanities Field1071 Words   |  5 Pages Over the course of this semester each paper that was written helped to introduce me and my fellow classmates to different formatting, and genres of writing. A lot of knowledge was gained from writing these papers and I was able to compare and contrast the disciplinary writings and notice what makes each of them stand out. Reflecting back on these individual papers helps to express what I have learned. The first paper that was written was the humanities essay. The humanities essay helped to provideRead MorePersonal Reflection Paper On English1015 Words   |  5 Pages Reflection Paper English has never been my strong suit. I always hated English simply, because I never concerned myself as a writer. I always stuck to the bare minimum and was pleased to know that I passed. I honestly never tried hard in English because I never felt good enough. I did not see myself as a confident writer and I am not sure I ever will. Since, being enrolled in English 201, it supplied some challenges that I was not ready for and felt unsuited for. Along the way, I learnRead MoreReflection Paper Boat Design839 Words   |  4 Pages When assigned a project that involved building our very own boat, each boat design was created with inspiration from things in our own lives. My design was inspired by my interest in the origami paper boat and rafts. A flaw in this design was that, making the boat like a raft included the use of straws in which was a material not available for this project. Other designs included one of a boat from Isis Green’s favorite movie Pirates of the Caribbean, a design from a fantasy summer place imaginedRead MoreReflection Paper On Writing And Writing1085 Words   |  5 PagesThe content of my paper was typically not the issue, the organization of the ideas was. I always had good ideas to write about, but I never knew how to organize those thoughts into a well-organized paper. Although in Writing 101, I used the multiple steps of the writing process to insert my ideas into a well-written paper, I continued to struggle in areas such as grammar and mechanics. In Writ 102, I was able t o realize that the writing process develops over time, and the best papers result from revisionRead MoreReflection Paper : Barbie Q By Sandra Cisneros938 Words   |  4 Pagesexploration paper, the reading and writing paper, the annotated bibliography, and the academic research paper. The semester began with basic lessons on general writing rules during class and progressed into a much more complex course, including lessons on expansion and development of evidence and supporting details, as well as the argument of the paper as a whole. Although each assignment taught something new, each built onto the last and helped transition my progress through each paper. The firstRead MoreReflection Paper On Reflection1076 Words   |  5 Pagesknew how to write short story analysis papers, or your run-of-the-mill story reflection. After hearing I would have wrote a total of 5000 words minimum, I was left flabbergasted. Nevertheless, the challenges faced when writing these papers gave me an abundant amount of knowledge in transitional word use, and finally becoming comfortable with the drafting process. When writing my papers, however, I still would like to increase my ability to structure my papers with more confidence. Before this periodRead MoreReflections Paper1552 Words   |  7 PagesComfort and Gods Glory Ray Kirby Liberty University In the decision to discuss two topics included within this reflection paper I have been led to discuss two doctrines that are close to all Christians. The comfort of God and the glory of God are the two doctrines that I have focused on over the last several weeks. The comfort of God has touched me at times over the course of my life however, never as much as it has over the last year. I wish to praise the glory of God as directed within

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Literature Review of Fault Tolerant Systems Free Essays

CHAPTER-2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Aim of the undertakingis to build Fault Tolerant System. Fault Tolerant system is a system which runs efficaciously in any status. Even if there is a mistake in the processor our system will observe it and advise to user or admin. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review of Fault Tolerant Systems or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will non merely notify but we are seeking that it will take mistake over the air. Triple Modular Redundancy is bosom of our system ; it detects the mistake through vote system. To build a CFTP design is a truly complex work and needs a important sum of clip to complete. In order to hold a flawless design, tonss of conditions need to be considered and all jobs should be solved in a sensible manner. Choosing constituents may take few yearss or months depending on how much information or information is collected. Decisions may still be changed at the last minute due to some unpredictable state of affairss or inevitable factors. Any alteration in the concluding design on a constituent sometimes will do a series of alterations to others. It is obvious that constructing a fully-functional CFTP does take much attempt and interior decorators have to truly understand how circuits relate each other in order to revise or debug it. Unfortunately, graduate pupils at Naval Postgraduate School merely stay a short sum of clip. A large design like CFTP is chopped into several sections and assigned to different pupils. In this clip restraints, pupils non merely necessitate t o recognize what old pupils have done but besides take up a design in advancement. Largely, pupils picking up the sections do non hold a opportunity to larn straight from pupils who have worked on this design earlier. Therefore, thesis becomes an of import interface of experience heritage between coevalss of pupils. CHAPTER-3 LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 LITERATURE SURVEY: – 3.1.1. Lashomb’s Design Peter A. LaShomb expressed many constructs in both TMR design and FPGA choice. Traditional solutions for radiation effects were introduced including hardware redundancy, like Quadded Logic, and package betterment for mistake tolerance, like clip redundancy or package redundancy. In the TMR subdivision, RADHARD and COTS were compared in handiness, public presentation and cost. Potential benefits of those two were clearly described as good. The processor used in his TMR design was KCPSM, an 8-bit microcontroller. It was free downloaded from Xilinx’s web site and served as a readily available test-case processor while waiting handiness of other high public presentation processors. Constructing and testing of the TMR were done on Xilinx Foundation series package which was available at Naval Postgraduate School ( NPS ) . Voters and an mistake encoder were designed and explained in item. Other issues including interrupt modus operandi and memory/error accountant were left as follow- on research. In the FPGA subdivision, different FPGAs were compared in a figure of facets. Five major parametric quantities for taking a good FPGA were gate count, handiness of hardware and package, bundles ( flat-pack vs. ball-grid-array ) , re-programmability and radiation tolerance. The Xilinx XCV800 was chosen as the campaigner at that clip for future execution [ 25 ] . 3.1.2. Ebert’s Research A complete CFTP conceptual design presented was in Dean A. Ebert’s thesis. For hardware considerations, his thesis discussed why specific constituents were chosen and how french friess communicated in an incorporate circuit. More item and realistic constructs about FPGA and CFTP constellations were described than earlier and french friess were selected based on a figure of space-environment considerations. Discussion of system memory was of import and first described in this thesis. Memory constellation accountant, functional logic and glue logic were besides new thoughts ne’er talked about in old work. The TMR circuitry was non one of the chief subjects in his research, but from his work one can visualise the external connexions of the FPGA and understand the function of TMR in the CFTP procedure. Figure 4 illustrates the layout of the board he developed The CFTP will be launched into LEO orbit on two orbiters, NPSAT-1 and Mid- STAR-1, in 2006. How the Department of De fense and Navy Space Experiment Review Board ( SERB ) and the Space Test Program ( STP ) Office were involved with these two orbiters was described in his thesis. Other paperss related to plan descriptions and demands of the STP office were attached every bit appendixes as good [ 26 ] . 3.1.3. Johnson’s Implementation Steven A. Johnson [ 5 ] focused his work on TMR design. The indispensable constituents to do a circuit be fault-tolerant were identified. Circuits designed in Lashomb’s thesis could non be used due to different design architecture and the important ascent of computer-aided-design package employed. Basic constructs for building a TMR circuit were still the same, but implemented in a different manner. All processor end product signals have to be voted. Interrupt was compiled in a province diagram and used to trip the interrupt service modus operandi to rectify an mistake inside the processor.ESSDwas used to salvage the mistake syndrome in order to offer a log file for analysis. The off-chip memory for the CFTP is Von Neumann architecture. The Von Neumann architecture has merely one reference coach and one information coach. Due to this difference, aConciliatorwas designed to organize different timing restraints in order to do a proper read and compose on memory. Normally, TMR communicates withConciliatorin order to entree memory. Meanwhile, the syndrome informations is latched intoESSDirrespective of an mistake happening or non. When an mistake occurs, a signal will be sent to disrupt and starts the Interrupt Service Routine ( ISR ) . At this minute, KDLX is stalled andESSDsaves the mistake syndrome to memory throughConciliator. Then interrupTgenerates a TRAP direction to KDLX and leads the whole circuit into an mistake rectification status. When KDLX sees the TRAP direction, it jumps to a specific memory location and the plan counter value before the leap is saved in an interrupt reference registry ( IAR ) , a particular registry inside KDLX. In the mistake rectification status, the contents of all registries inside KDLX are saved to memory through electors. Then, each registry is reloaded from memory. The intent for making this measure is to rectify any incompatibilities of the registries in all three KDLX processors. Since all contents ha ve to go through electors while salvaging, any mistake inside any registry will be corrected [ 26 ] . 3.1.4. N-Modular Keun Soo Yim, [ 8 ] nowadayss fault-tolerant, programmable elector architecture for software-implementedNitrogen-tuple modular redundant ( NMR ) computing machine systems. Software NMR is a cost-effective solution for high-performance, mission-critical computing machine systems because this can be built on top of commercial off-the-shelf ( COTS ) devices. Due to the big volume and entropy of voting informations, package NMR system requires a programmable elector. Our experiment shows that voting package that executes on a processor has the time-of-check-to-time-of-use ( TOCTTOU ) exposures and is unable to digest long continuance mistakes. In order to turn to these two jobs, we present a special-purpose elector processor and its embedded package architecture. The processor has a set of new instructions and hardware faculties that are used by the package in order to speed up the vote package executing and turn to the identified two dependability jobs. We have implemented the pr esented system on an FPGA platform. Our rating consequence shows that utilizing the presented system reduces the executing clip of mistake sensing codifications ( normally used in voting package ) by 14 % and their codification size by 56 % . Our mistake injection experiments validate that the presented system removes the TOCTTOU exposures and recovers under both transient and long continuance mistakes. This is achieved by utilizing 0.7 % excess hardware in a baseline processor [ 27 ] . How to cite Literature Review of Fault Tolerant Systems, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Essay About Survival Of The Fittest Example For Students

Essay About Survival Of The Fittest Charles Darwin felt strongly that observations made on large scale explorationssuch as his voyage on the Beagle showed conclusively that many clearly differentorganisms, animals as well as plants, were related to one another buy someunknown law. In other words Darwin was trying to prove that evolution existed.However Darwin does outline how a purely natural process of selection couldproduce similar effects, and thus explain the development of new species withoutreference to supernatural intervention. Taking that into consideration, Ibelieve that by Natural Selection Darwin is trying to portray thestruggle for existence and adaptation for survival among living things. WithNatural Selection, Darwin used this term to explain the casual mechanism, whichis responsible for the operation of his theory. He would go about and abandonhis term in favor of the term Survival of the Fittest. Although he receivedcriticism from so many of his peers for using Natural Selection, the term isquite important because virtually all biologists used it as the explanation forthe mechanism. A main reason why Natural Selection was not very popular wasbecause evolution requires enormously long periods of time, that the everydayexperience of human beings provides them with no ability to interpret suchhistories. Looking at Darwins position, Survival of the Fittest had a greatmeaning on the struggle for existence and Darwins emphasis on abundance. Firstlooking at Survival of the fittest, its a phrase that describes the outcome ofa competition where there is no possibility of predicting the outcome in advancebecause of the complexity of the conditions of the competition. It describesonly the effect or outcome of an event by its very nature and regardless of thesituation in which it is used. For example, if it were used to describe theoutcome of an auto race such as the Nascar, using the term, It will be survivalof the fittest would indicate that the victor would be unknown until theend of the race. Similarly, if discussing the survival of a business in acollapsing economy or perhaps the survival of a race of people during fiercewars would indicate that nothing would be known about the outcome until the endof the particular event. Secondly Survival of the Fittest was used extensivelybecause it was a better, more descriptive, explanation of the mechanism of whichevolution occurred. The term contains an implicit assumption that survivors arean improved form of organism compared to those, which do not survive. Althoughintelligence is a key to improvements it is not however true for the field ofbiological reproduction. There is no human intelligence available to weed outthe defectives and alter the process toward a more desirable end. As moreindividuals are produced that can possibly survive, there must in every case bea struggle for existence, either one individual with another of the samespecies, or with the individuals of distinct species, or with physicalconditions of life. Keeping that in mind, I came upon one of the greatestmysteries of biological history, the vanishing of the dinosaurs. Here Survivalof the Fittest plays a routine role because the fittest were some form ofbacteria. Does that mean that the smaller the organism the more chances of it tosurvive? A look at the fossil record shows that 99. 99% of the survivors weresimpler organisms and the survivors that we know of today are not the 0.01% ofsurvivors that are more fit from a complexity standpoint and thus prove themethodology of the theory. So what does the term fittest mean? It is speculatedthat the term fittest refers to an organism which has the bestcapability for acquiring and using all the available nutrients, all whiledeveloping or having a capability of fending off physical threats to itsexistence. However this concept would indeed be an explanation for a certaintype of organism. .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb , .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .postImageUrl , .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb , .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb:hover , .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb:visited , .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb:active { border:0!important; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb:active , .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1656a888b25a51496e82b195138ed4bb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank- Willy Lindwer Essay For example, there are many coral deposits throughout theworld, some which are immense in size such as the body coral, which is currentlyin Florida. Unfortunately marine coral is really not an organism, but rather acollection of organisms. Since there are really no such organisms in existenceas described above, it must be concluded that this is not what thefittest is, in the sense of Darwins meaning. The termfittest as contained in Survival of the Fittest can only beconstrued as the organism fitter than other members of organisms falling into aspecial group. This is consistent with the descriptions used by Darwin and alsoused by most evolutionists in the explanation offered for the mechanism ofevolution. A quick look in the animal kingdom shows the rapidly reproducingFruit Fly, with a serious deficiency that being the inability to penetrate theskin of even the thinnest of fruit, and thus release the sugars which begin theprocess which produces their food. These mechanisms are available in thousandsof organisms, both in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Many mechanisms such asin the mosquito, stingers, bee/wasp, or a dissolving fluid such as produced byother insects abound in nature. It is inexplicable in the Darwinian sense, thatsome advice or method of doing this would fail to be developed over the pasteons of their existence. It must be concluded that while they are survivors,they are not the fittest. This leads to the fact that Darwins theory has notexplained the existing spectrum of living organisms either in the initialdevelopment from the mineral state or in the highly developed state in which itexists today. In conclusion, Darwin stresses that nothing is easier than toadmit in words the truth of the universal struggle for life. Darwin also pointsthat in looking at Nature, it is most necessary to never forget that everysingle organic being around us may be said to be striving to the utmost increasein numbers. He says that each lives by a struggle at some period of its life:that heavy destruction inevitably falls either on young or old, during eachgeneration or at a recurrent intervals. We behold the fact of nature bright withgladness, we often see superabundance of food, and that the birds which are idlysinging round us mostly live on insects or seeds and thus constantly destroyinglife. Darwin makes it clear that the structure of every organic being isrelated, in the most essential yet often hidden manner, to that of all otherorganic beings, with which it comes into competition for food or residence andfrom which it has to escape, or on which it preys. This is obvious in thestructure of the teeth and talons of the tiger, and in that of the legs andclaws of the parasite, which clings to the hair on the tigers body. Afterlooking at all the examples it turns out that this is an unabated belief systemwhich underlies the study of all the physical sciences. The most important ofthese beliefs is that all phenomena in the universe are capable of beingmeasured or acknowledged, by one of the five senses of man. It ought to be notedthat to evolutionists, there is no objection to philosophy being a part ofscience and the fact that it is absolutely unthinkable to them that religion bea part of it only shows a bias of the same sort that keeps Darwins theoryalive. But we must not forget that neither philosophy nor religion is a properconsideration of the physical sciences and the theory of Charles Darwin. At lastI must say this was a fascinating project and for years to come Darwins theorywill explore many questions of nature and survival that are not yet cleared andwill solve many mysteries that we have not solved.